Crayfish This is Ares. He‘s my first cray and just moved in today. So excited!

This is Ares. He‘s my first cray and just moved in today. So excited!


I recently got a couple of pinchybois!


New Crawfish Owner, need explanation of behavior


Hello, I'm a recent crawfish owner due to my insane mother rescuing a crawfish from Champy's Fried Chicken, a restaurant in my area (yes, this is a real thing that happened, I'll link where I talked about it on my twitch)

We purchased a fairly large tank for him and I filled it with some off-gassed water that we use for watering plants, peastone gravel for something he can walk on and up for dry land and some plants to act as little hiding areas. He mainly stays in this one area that is in the back left corner of the tank and he'll clean out the gravel to make like a little cubby (almost like making his bed, maybe?) but he doesn't move from there AT ALL, there was even a point where I cleaned out his water and decided to place him on the dry land so he at least knew it was there and he went to hide under the leaf of one of the plants.

I did read that crawfish get stressed and most likely this was the case, this little guy has had a rough couple of days and has only been relaxing for maybe 3 days so far, but I'm concerned he doesn't seem to be eating at all. I'm completely new to owning a crawfish (I've only ever had Betta fish as a kid and one cat that got rabies, I did pretty well with the fish though and they had "long" lives) so I would appreciate constructive criticism and no "YOU F***ING IDIOT etc etc etc"

Champy's First Day:

Champy hiding:

Champy's Tank with him in the area he usually stays in

submitted by /u/GMillerHoctor
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Cool crayfish I found today, also Is blue rare?


I bought this guy for my 36 gallon future figure 8 puffer tank but I’m not sure what species it is. I am current acclimating it to brackish water of 1.010 at 4 drips per second. If the species isn’t brackish I have a freshwater tank to throw it in with 2 5 year old bumblebee cats.


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