Aquatic Snails gold and purple mystery snails

gold and purple mystery snails


Here’s another angle of one of my few bladder snails that has “fins”. Almost seems like they’re grown to hold onto the shell in rough currents, as I have a strong water flow in this tank.


That fall was not as graceful as he'd hoped for ��


My boyfriend has just accused one of my mystery snails of freebasing oxygen. The little stoner has been there for at least an hour.


because i can’t post videos and photos together...


He's a grower, not a shower


Hoping this clutch from my purple and blue will hatch. any canadians that would be interested in some snail babies?


Need help identifying this snail that came with my plants.


Ever heard of portion sizes, man? This snail needs Weight Watchers.


Second snail with oral prolapse.. this time one of the runts I've been holding onto that has also experienced shell thinning despite the other snails having good shells. Starting to wonder if the parents I bought are siblings inbreeding and causing a predisposition to this.


What are these spots stuck to my nerite? Are they eggs?


dark reunion finally did it he’s a dad zest is recovering and a lot smaller now


How to repair this, or will I have to euthanise? :(


I got some rabbit snails with kinda bad shell quality, how can I improve it besides a high calcium diet?


Help. Is something happening with my snails. It appears that the one was tiptoeing


What is going on with my snails


I have two aquatic snails that I have had for around a year n a half. I recently downsized their tank due to my fish passing away. (Were in a 20 gal now in a 5 gal) I did this due to the overgrowth of algae in the tank and the smaller tank is easier to manage. They were doing great and seemed to enjoy their new tank, no changes in their behavior was seen. About two weeks ago, both of them were found upside down. I flipped them over not thinking much about it. But once I flipped them they didn't move from that spot for a few days. I thought maybe the needed some food so I gave them a slice of blanched carrot to see if they would go towards the food. One did, and seemed better, but the following morning was found upside down again and so I flipped it and it still isn't moving. I convinced myself they were dead and so I took them out of the tank. I had them sitting on a paper towel to see if they would move or show signs of life. One did and the other (who went for the carrot) hasn't done anything. The one kept crawling around so I put them back in the tank and it stopped moving again. I don't know what is happening and I've been so stressed about their well-being. What am I doing wrong that they are having issues like this? They were doing well when I first moved tanks and now a month later they are both acting so bizarrely. I just want the best for these snails and need help to figure out what to do for them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Stormefly14
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What is my mystery snail Wishbone doing?


Help please!!


I've had a single mystery snail in my betta tank for over a year now, she recently laid eggs and I left it on the glass, knowing I'd get around to cleaning it up later. However, I woke up this morning to loads of baby snails.. I thought that mystery snails weren't asexual???????

submitted by /u/jimbodeanb
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mystery snail laid eggs


you guys got any tips for hatchin mystery snail eggs i have a 10 gal and i have some panda cory in there so idk if my tank can handle so many babies!

submitted by /u/ace-defective
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Please help a newbie with planaria in my ramshorn tank!


Hello! I recently was gifted a 10 litre tank which is my first, I've had it going for about a month. Currently I've got a handful of ramshorn snails in there (although they've been breeding like mad and there are dozens of babies) and a single nerite, and also realised that some plants I got also had snail eggs on them after I'd already planted them so I've just left them in there, hoping they're ramshorns but they could be bladder/tadpole snails too. I also hope to add in a couple of triops once they've hatched out and gotten big enough to transfer, which I hope might help to eat any tiny critters?

Yesterday I noticed a few little white worms on the glass which I think are planaria - awaiting a better magnifying glass to be delivered so I can have a better look and be certain. I've ordered a planaria trap and a gravel cleaner too and will be doing twice weekly water changes and will stop feeding - however if numbers continue to increase I'm worried that they might harm the snails. It's bizarre, I didn't expect to be so enamoured with the little squishes but chilling by the tank and watching the snails do their thing has been my favourite part of my day for the last few weeks and I'm super worried that if I don't take this seriously, they'll get sick.

As there's so many babies in there and it's heavily planted, it's not feasible for me to take all the snails out and keep them elsewhere while I treat the tank as I'll definitely miss a load of the smaller babies and don't want to live with the guilt of being a mass baby snail murderer :(

I've seen that Hikari Prazipro is apparently snail safe, but I'm in the UK and it seems extortionately expensive to purchase considering I assume I only need a few drops. Are there any other solutions? Or should I see how the water changes, gravel vac and trap do for a few weeks before thinking about treating them?

submitted by /u/fauxh
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