Crayfish Can 3 ghost shrimp kill a marbled crayfish?

Can 3 ghost shrimp kill a marbled crayfish?

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 01:13 AM PDT

Hi all, so I had a marbled crayfish about 1.5 inches who died this morning. I noticed the past few days it had been a bit lethargic and not responsive to food and just his under its driftwood so I assumed it was just getting ready to molt.

Sure enough it molted this morning, but it had also died and the 3 ghost shrimp I had with it had chewed off its legs and the tip of the head.

So now I'm wondering, did the ghost shrimp killed the crayfish at its most vulnerable stage or could it have died due to a bad molt and the shrimp were just scavenging on its corpse?

I'm asking as I have another 20 gallon with another marbled crayfish who lives with 3 ghost shrimp as well, it had even molted a few times with them as company. I keep ghost shrimp with the crayfish as they are a cheap cleanup crew and I wouldn't be too upset if they'd gone, but now if the shrimp did in fact kill the crayfish, I might have to remove them despite having no issues with them for the past month.

Thanks for reading, you're a hero if you made it here :)

Tl; dr: can ghost shrimp kill a freshly molted crayfish or is it more likely it just died from a bad molt?

submitted by /u/zhenjou
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Breakfast ��

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 12:48 AM PDT

Anyone know what kind of crayfish this is? The claws are from the previous molt

Posted: 30 Mar 2021 01:26 PM PDT

New tank for the little one, plus some minnow friends (or future food). Any tips on what I should feed a wild baby cray? I have mini algae wafers, night crawlers, mysis shrimp, and of course fish food of all sorts.

Posted: 30 Mar 2021 07:19 AM PDT

I mean... I do not like it but it is quite impressive, not gonna lie

Posted: 30 Mar 2021 12:16 PM PDT

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