Crayfish She loves her new home ❤️❤️����

She loves her new home ❤️❤️����

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT

One of my crays has taken up pole dancing.

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

My behemoth of a rusty crawfish Eisenhower, about 40g and thr largest I've ever seen, his claws are like pliers

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

Excuse the Snapchat quality, but this was my baby girl Glacier about a week ago in her 20 gallon before I put her in her 55 gallon. She died while I was at work today in the middle of a moult. I'm super sad and am really gonna miss my silly girl...����

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

Marbled Crayfish eggs disappeared?

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:47 AM PDT

I made a post a few weeks back stating I "lost" my cray after seeing her be so active even when the lights are on. During a water change I also lifted up the hardscape to clean into them and if she was dead to dispose of the body and found her hiding with her tail curled in. I looked to the side and found dark balls under her tail. I knew she is a self cloning cray so it was only a matter of time. my friend told me that during the time of holding their eggs they dont go out as often and dont eat as often either.

I eventually saw her out and about again, this time a bit bigger so I assume she molted but the eggs were gone.

I just wanted to know what happened to them and if this is normal? Did she molt then eat them?

submitted by /u/aeminence
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Catch me if you can - Crayfish Version!

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:41 AM PDT

Update: they finally started breeding! I woke up at 4:30 am to find them like this :)

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:52 AM PDT

Need crayfish advice

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:09 AM PDT

I have a 65 gallon freshwater tank that I want to turn into a crayfish community tank. However I wanted some variety and wanted to choose multiple different crays from the Cherax species (boesmani, pulcher, etc.) Do they have to be the same sub-species or can I keep all cherax together? Anyone with experience keeping crays together let me know (yes I'm aware of their temperament I've had many over the years)

submitted by /u/melodic62
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