Goldfish - Aquariums - My 125 gallon pride and joy

My 125 gallon pride and joy

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:24 PM PST

Picked this guy up from LFS a couple days ago.

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PST

My 250l/66g tank gang.

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:21 PM PST

Slowly have been aquascaping

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:51 PM PST

DESPERATE NEED OF ADVICE for a 55 gal that has had fish for 6 months but something is STILL EXTREMELY WRONG. Full details below

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:00 PM PST

I have a huge ongoing issue in my tank and i cant get it figured out by myself, its time to turn to you reddit. This is going to be lengthy but ive been struggling for 6 months and im giving every detail because maybe someone will pick up on the problem.

Please do not comment on my tank size. It is slightly small, i know, im working towards a 75/90 but it will take time to save up. I just need help. If i need to post in another sub reddit PLEASE LET ME KNOW

I have a pond-sized (11/12inches) comet goldfish that was living a happy life in a 35 gallon. Water changes were not near as frequent as they should have been, his ammonia was always slightly high for the 3 years he hasnt been at walmart. He was energetic, aggresive and LOUD. Fins were always up at the ready, splashing, getting excited for anyone who might feed him. In October, i decided to move him in with me into a 55 gallon tank. He was moved 2.5 hours by car into a set up, BUT NOT CYCLING tank. I switched to sand substrate bc gravel was a huge problem as he was eating it. I transported around 20 gallons of his previous tank water with him to start the cycle. I immediately had problems with ammonia (obviously. I didn't cycle the tank) and i was therefore doing water changes very frequently (every 2-3 days) and that seemed to keep his levels low enough. When i went down to weekly (ish) his water got cloudy over time (month or longer) along with foam on the surface of the water. After some research, i did frequent water changes for a little while and the foam did go away and the water was visibly less cloudy, but something was still off about it.

I threw in some rocks after awhile. I did a test to see if they would affect ph and after a week the ph did not change so i threw them in. Nothing changed. He did develop a red splotch between his front 2 "lil hand flapper" fins (his chest?) Water changes seemed to solve the issue. After a few weeks the rocks might have dropped the ph in the tank to around 6.4. He was acting extremely lethargic at the time despite regular water changes. He began to turn slightly splotchy orangey-red color in a large area on both sides and it had me wondering if he was living at the wrong ph this whole time. Rocks were taken out and water changes were done and he improved. The ph in the tank intially rose to about 7.2. The weird color thing improved. Now over 3 months later the ph has dropped down to 6.7ish again and the water i use is not that low in ph.

I keep monitoring his levels.Very slightly high ammonia (it has improved since the beginning) has continued to be an issue and ive done enough water changes for an olympic swimming pool and everytime it seems his behavior improves for 2 days but then slowly dwindles. I do water changes weekly at least.

The sand is a problem. I dont think im doing it right but idk what else to do. His filter gets sand in it, but i cant put anything over the filter to block it, his poop particles are way too big. The inside big part of the filter doesnt seem to get the fish gunk in it but what the water flows over and where it pulls water from does. The cartriges themselves seem to just collect sand and never have much for fish gunk in them. Im starting to think my filter isnt doing its job because if the sand but i dont know why. My siphon also is not strong enough to suck up big particles like it should. I get some and net some out but i can never get it all

I noticed about 2 ish months ago that he has developed red lines (veins?) in his fins. Few are dark and some light ones. They arent completely covered and certain fins are worse than others.

His behaviour changed and continues to change, which i think is the result of changing ammonia levels? He has become very inactive. He keeps his fins down and just sits on the sand. UNTIL you walk up to him and look and he'll put his fin back up and start swimming, but still not quite his normal attitude. He isnt aggresive. He isnt always super excited for food anymore. He doesnt seem to get excited for people. He just sits at the bottom until you look at him, even in the middle of the day. This worsens however the longer time between water changes. So i started doing them more frequently, and he seems to act more like himself afterwards for like 2 days. Then today i did a small water change despite doing one 3 days ago as he was acting very weird and his ammonia levels tested slightly high. His behavior has not changed and honestly might be worse. He sits at the bottom with his fins down even 5 hours later, possibly even more than before the water change. Ive also noticed the little red splotch on his chest might be returning His ph is testing low and ammonia very slightly high.

Environment that might be a factor:

Im a night owl. His lights are in no way consistent. My boyfriend worked nights for period of time and in that case his tank light become obscure with no real scheldule. Most of the time i leave them off and my kitchen lights on instead.

Before the moving, he lived with me in my bedroom for 2 years and his behavior was always the same no matter what. He would wake me up in the morning by splashing. I have never seen this type of behavior before now. I moved away for over a year and in that time he was alone. Fed twice a day like clockwork, but that was about his only interaction that was regular. He had no tank lights and only natural light. As my mom said "who knows what he did or how he acted in there". Maybe this is just his personality now but something is very wrong.

I will answer any and all questions. I will send pictures if necessary. I realize ive made some mistakes but please do not just point it out. I know. I just need help fixing it im desperate and google doesnt know what im trying to ask it. ANY ADVICE IS APPRECIATED

Edit: ive read through what ive typed 10x and im seeing a trend. Maybe he just needs water changes every 3ish days? Maybe thats just how it's gonna be? Does anyone know? However even when i was doing extremely frequent water changes like that he still doesnt act totally like himself but it was definatly an improvement from where hes at now. Someone please help me

Edit 2: NITRATES NOT AMMONIA im embarrassed to say i had to check my test kit. I have slightly high nitrates and no nitrites

submitted by /u/yeahidekwhat
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goldfish inhales air from top of tank often, is this healthy? other goldfish has never done this

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PST

Anyone know what that is? See comments for details.

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:47 PM PST

Have I just got a dickhead of a goldfish or...?

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PST

Meet Maud! She is supposed to be an Oranda but I'm not so sure. What do you think?

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:03 PM PST

I wish I could sit there all day ..

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:59 AM PST

Algae carpet information gathering thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:33 AM PST

We all love the look of a carpeted tank. Turns out you dont need to dry start dwarf baby tears, co2 injection, and the myriad of ADA products on the market only to have your goldfish eat it. Algae is a) free b) sometimes green c) excellent food for your goldfish d) and it cleans the water!

So if you have an algae carpet please share your ligh cycle duration, type of light, water change schedule, stocking density, and any other tips you may have.

My best guess is 15hours of high intensity light per day, normal water change schedule; maybe 50% weekly and scrub the surfaces you dont want algae on each week.

submitted by /u/steamboatpilot
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One of my new ones, here is Lou with Hong Gildong in the backhround, he is impossible to get a hood photograph of because he is always on the move

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PST

Best resource for research?

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:52 PM PST

Hi all, I am looking for a place to get comprehensive information on fancy goldfish. I am looking to set up a tank within a year or so and would like to be prepared. Does anyone know of a site with information on the types, tank set ups, common ailments and what to look for when choosing fish, where to buy healthy fish (I may have to purchase online), and so on? I am new to goldfish but not aquariums, if that helps. Trying to figure out where to start is the hardest part!

submitted by /u/DubWyse
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Gel Food Recipe

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:29 PM PST

Comment down below some homemade gel food recipes please and thank you! Want to start making my own.

submitted by /u/_alyssaray_
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What’ the matter with Hong’s tail?

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PST

Please help!!! I did a full tank clean last week, I took my filter and pump apart yesterday and fully cleaned it, I bought a water clearing serum but no matter what, the water won't stay clear.

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:11 PM PST

Quick Advice- Tank

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:52 AM PST

So one shit show after another (and another and another.. you get the idea lol) and I've had to put my seven goldies in a 90L tank. Aside from loads of water changes, any other advice?

submitted by /u/Evadenly
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ultimate troll? or should I be worried?

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:07 AM PST

New-ish goldfish owner; recently adopted a dozen fantail goldfish from the previous apartment tenant since summer of last year. All are still alive, doing well, water changes and cleaning every few weeks. Maybe a couple months ago, I noticed ONE of the bunch will randomly just chill upside down with no movement except for the bloop bloops coming from it's mouth. Now I just look for its' mouth bloops, every time this one fish feels like scaring the shit out of me.

I've researched about how fish may start bloating and turn when the nitrate levels get too high, or it could be a bladder disorder. It does seem to have a buoyancy problem when it's trying to swim downwards compared to the others... like it's got floats on its belly sometimes. It is one of the bigger bellied, probably 2nd largest. But the biggest fish seems fine, its belly is even bigger.

Is this something to worry about? All the other fish seem fine... Is there anything I can do really?

submitted by /u/ninjajinjja
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