Crayfish Ill be back!

Ill be back!

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:30 PM PST

Where to buy?

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:00 PM PST

I want to try and put some duckweed or frogbit or something similar in my crayfish tank. Can anybody link me to where they bought some? Or tell me what store they got it at (I am in the usa)? Thanks!

submitted by /u/kriscrossi
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Crayfish hiding

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:59 AM PST

My friend has an aquarium with a white crayfish, for a couple of the first months the crayfish was hiding in its hiding space about 1/2 of the time so you see it sometimes, but in the last 2 months nobody saw it, it didn't escape it is just in the hiding space and probably hasn't eaten and the one who eats it's food is a pleco.

The biggest problem is that the hiding is a large decorative seashell and you can't see the crayfish inside and it stays inside even if you lift it, I tried a week ago to remove the shell from the aquarium and half submerge it I a small container but there where white fungus covered balls that washed out, it is probably eggs and the reason it hid. I do not want to scrape it out with a tool forcefully get it out but I do want to see it since it is a decrative aquarium in the middle of the living room.

What can I do?

submitted by /u/danielrabi
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Lf help creating the perfect cray baby tank

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:50 PM PST

Hi all, i have a cpo that is full of eggs but the current tank is too small for a bunch of new additions. I would like to set up a 5 gl (space restrictions) strictly for raising the hatchlings. This will be a from scratch tank, so im looking for suggestions on what works best with raising baby cpos.

submitted by /u/neverender950
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Weird Crayfish Death/Molting Behavior

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:22 AM PST

My crayfish recently molted and before that he did the typical behavior of hiding away but more by day he's acting more strange even after he molted. He's not eating his shell but he finally came out of his hide today just to see me so I tried feeding him some small shrimp pellets. Fast forward to tonight, he's rolled into a ball on the side of his hide. I don't want to bother him but I'm incredibly worried that he's dead. He had a successful molting, the water is a little dirty since his filter broke and I couldn't clean it because I didn't wanna stress him, but overall everything is safe and good. he's always been an active guy even in molt so I'm just so confused. I fear that when I wake up and check on him he'll be dead :(

submitted by /u/personalhub
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