Crayfish Got to watch my crayfish molt for the first time :)

Got to watch my crayfish molt for the first time :)

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:12 PM PST

Looking sharp

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:55 PM PST

Is my crayfish ok? He’s been in this position for the past three hours and hasn’t shown any reaction when I move his bubbler. I turned it off but he’s still not moving. Is he ok?

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:41 PM PST

How to keep my crawfish stimulated?

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

Its been about a week since I got my first crawfish and she's settled in very nicely. However, I was wondering how to keep her mind stimulated? I dont want her getting too bored

submitted by /u/Pribzz
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So I legit have no idea what I did wrong.

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:35 PM PST

Four or so weeks ago I got a cray. Put her in a 15 gal well established tank that used to hold cichlid fry. Unheated, great filtration from a sponge filter, fry hadn't been gone that long so cycle was still strong, 90% or so water change before introducing cray, drip acclimated, I did everything as right as possible.

First few days she's loving it. Scrounging around eating old detritus, readily taking food when its offered once a day, things are good. Then after a week she slowed down to a stop almost instantly. Ok she's in a funk. A week later her shell goes from blue to blue with pink on the edges. Looked it up, apparently this is pretty normal color change for those about to molt. Also, apparently crats stop eating before they molt.

Aha. Got it. It's a molt, nbd.

A week later still no molt but still acting funny. I check params. 0 NH3. 0 NO3. I assume also 0 NO2 in between because how could there be? Clearly everything is cycling through and being consumed by algae which is showing healthy growth.

Still weird for 3 more days. 50% wc because why not? No improvement or change in mood. Fast forward a week or week and a half of only moving from one lair to another when I turn the light on or off, and she's in one side of one lair for 3 days straight.

So I brushed the net against her antennae. Nothing. So I lifted her lair a bit. Nothing. So I lifted it all the way up. Nothing. So I poked her. Nothing. So I scooped her up. Nothing.

I just want to know why I cant keep crustaceans alive. I've killed a small colony of neocarids in the past too. This is beyond confusing. I just dont get it.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/CardboardHeatshield
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Can Brazos dwarf crayfish live with guppies?

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:35 AM PST

I have a tank of Brazos dwarf crayfish, but they are breeding like rabbits ( as they do) and are quickly outgrowing their current home. I have a second tank a 30g with a about 20 guppies in it, would the dwarf crayfish and guppies be able to live together or am I asking for a massacre? The tank is heavily planted with lots of wood amd hiding spots but would still like an opinion.

submitted by /u/mourning_star85
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Help identifying sex and species please!

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:20 AM PST

Hi everyone. Just got my first crayfish today. Can anyone help me work out what sex and species it is please? Bought in Brisbane, Australia. Sorry for the quality of the pictures, tricky thing to photo!

Crayfish buddy

submitted by /u/FamousParfait
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