Crayfish Crayfish takes lunchtime to the next level. Sunfish impressed for the first time ever.

Crayfish takes lunchtime to the next level. Sunfish impressed for the first time ever.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

Spectre says hi!

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:24 PM PST

Rescue tank in a hurry

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:39 PM PST

Alright so in my town we have a super legit family owned fish specific pet store that keeps their fishes in big, clean tanks, knows what they are talking about when they advise you, and generally actually cares

And usually I support that store but I'm in between paychecks and I ran into one of those ubiquitous pet... chain stores to grab some cuttlebone

And they've got a beautiful albino cherax who is realistically probably dying Currently he's housed with like 8 cichlids in less than 10 gallons and there's literally not a hide in the tank. Also he is SO stress brown, never seen a cray that discolored even in pictures. And cichlids have bitten off his antennae and are generally picking on him while he cowers with nowhere to run and barely moves.

So I ran home to set up a rescue tank... even if this guy is going to die, at least he can do it in a hiding space in a clean tank to himself.

So all I have is a 6.8 gallon but the footprint is actually barely smaller than a 10 bc it's short. and my procambarus paeninsulanus lives super happily in a 10 so I figure it'll be okay for now and I'll upgrade him if he lives. Took the power filter from my established tank and traded it for a dry spare one - that older tank will be fine while the filter grows bacteria bc it's got an under gravel also so most of the bacteria is chilling down there anyway. I had a spare betta size heater which is now set at 74 and running... conditioned water plus the filter from old tank and some bottled kick start bacteria should hopefully be about as close to an instant cycle as you can get... Plastic plants, 3 inches of already cycled substrate. I only had one plate of an under gravel but I threw it in there w/ a bubble tower even though it doesn't cover the entire footprint just for the sake of aeration. And of course a cave.

The only thing I don't have is lighting at all. Is that horrible or manageable?

I am debating putting one live plant in there on the off chance it helps stabilize the system before he destroys it... or tbh he may be too sick and timid to tear anything up for a minute anyway.

SO anyone have any advices, anything I missed, comments, concerns with the emergency setup before I go pick this guy up?

submitted by /u/shksprspuck
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Prengan Crayfish

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:00 PM PST

I just realized a few hours ago that my crayfish has eggs but and they are fertilized but im not sure what to do after they hatch sinds i only have one tank but im planning to sell them to the store back where i got my crayfish any tips in the meanwhile till they get old enough to sell them back?

submitted by /u/Llama_Potatoes420
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Mexican dwarf questions

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:19 PM PST

Is it safe to house them with snails? Such as trumpets or mystery snails. Is it safe to house them with danios? I currently house 2 with some cherry shrimp culls; I was thinking about combining that tank with my danio tank.

submitted by /u/TheBurntHound
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Cycling with fish food containing copper sulfate

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:24 PM PST

Hi guys,

So I'm in The process of setting up a 20 gal long for a tangerine cray and began my cycle last week using the fish food method. I've kept crustaceans before and am recently getting back into the hobby and from what I know, copper is toxic to them. I remembered a few days into cycling that I had forgotten to check if the food I had gotten contained copper sulfate and upon looking discovered that it did as the last ingredient. I'm wondering if the concentration of copper sulfate in the fish food is enough to harm my crayfish as I've found mixed info online. If so, I can drain the tank and restart the cycle another way. Just wanna do whats best for my future little invert buddy.

submitted by /u/deathllama11
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