Betta Fish Aquariums - Yellow koi hmpk arrived today!

Yellow koi hmpk arrived today!

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 03:05 AM PDT

Petco- “you can have him for free, he probably won’t even survive the trip home” ….. what a glow up from my man Candy. Proving the haters wrong one day at a time 👏👏👏

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 06:53 AM PDT

Just set up this 12 Gallon to cycle and feel like it needs more plants... any suggestions?

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 04:07 AM PDT


Posted: 09 Jun 2022 01:37 AM PDT

Well my betta fish, Randall, decide to commit suicide yesterday at some point for unknown reasons :( he was fine in the morning when I did my usual feed after returning from work but this morning was nowhere to be found in the tank. After a lot of searching in all the hiding places I looked around outside of the tank and he was underneath the shelving the tank is sat on. He had a condensation lid on to help prevent him jumping out but he was obviously a determined little guy :( RIP Randall, put me off owning anymore bettas now :( (and before I get told they jump out because of bad parameters or stress, the tank is fully cycled, weekly water changes and tests twice weekly. He has tank mates whom he was fine with, no aggression once everyone was settled in)

submitted by /u/ExtraMention3041
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Tank Cycling Parameters

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 06:57 AM PDT

Hello everyone. I'm currently cycling a betta tank (35l) and have been for around 6-7 weeks.

My current parameters are :

Ammonia - 0.25 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 10 GH - 25 PH - 6.5 KH - 0 !!!

I added tetra easy balance today with the hope that it will regulate the PH & KH over the next 24hrs or so. (Does anyone have any experience with easy balance?)

Does this look normal for cycling? (am/nitrite/nitrate)

And yep. My PH is too low. I'm trying to figure out why this is and how to raise it slightly.

The main concern here is my KH at 0!

I've used bicarbonate soda in the past...but im seeing mixed reviews about that these days.

It's been 10+ years since i kept fish and my brain is fried. Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

[Fishless cycle]

Tap water parameters -

Ammonia - 0.25 Nitrite -0 Nitrate -0 GH - 30 PH - 6.8 KH - 35

I use fluval water conditioner & tropica premium nutrition plant food with water changes. The tank is heavily planted with spiralis, nymphaea, java moss and grass. I am using fluval stratum as the growing media/gravel

submitted by /u/420petitefleur
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My betta swam into this hole in my intake on my HOB filter and got stuck and did not make it. How can I cover it properly so it doesn’t happen again?

Posted: 08 Jun 2022 10:49 PM PDT

Thoughts on our plan for a Betta tank?

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 02:29 AM PDT

Hi, my GF has fallen in love with the thought of having a betta, and I would like some experts input on our thoughts.

She likes the Fluval edge tank, size not yet determined, and I have the following ideas/plans:

6g/23L version; A betta and maybe a snail, or a few amanos.

12g/46L version; A betta and maybe a small group of a fish species. Perhaps some dwarf rasbora or neon tetras? Might be a tad small tank for schoalers though.. or maybe some corys?

Inputs and ideas on these two tank scenarios are appreciated!

I'm tipping towards the 6g betta+snail setup, but my GF thinks the betta should not be "lonely", and should have some fishy friends.. thus I'm investigating the 12g stocking options

I've had a 20g tank before, and I understand the basics of filtration, cycling, stocking level,checking water params, etc. I just have no experience with smaller tanks, nor with bettas.

submitted by /u/Canyac
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