Goldfish - Aquariums - Enjoy :)

Enjoy :)

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:16 PM PDT

Scored this 75gal for only $25! This is the "before" picture. :) Bring on the water piglets!

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:40 PM PDT

Finally moved the babies to our new place and into their 75 gallon tank! They have much more space and daylight now, love watching them thrive �� (Bonus top view pic while I was moving them, and another of them photobombing my dog Biscuit ��)

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:40 AM PDT

Help Needed please. Big Goldie in the back very lethargic, when it comes to food time she gasps and swims backward

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:15 AM PDT

Painted a goldfish jumping out of the water to charge an iPhone

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:35 PM PDT

Groomed all these gf’s to look like small bodies lol, mixed varieties of orandas both imported and locally bred from known breeders to low-key ones. Kingyo madness ��

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:00 PM PDT

One of my goldfish needs help and I'm not sure what to do.

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:32 PM PDT

Yesterday, a family friend gave me their goldfish because they felt it would live a happier life in my pond. Before being moved, it lived in a 20 gallon tank. The goldfish is absurdly large (Over a foot long) and is having trouble swimming. It keeps floating to the surface on it's stomach or sinking to the bottom. When it tries to swim, its head is pointed downwards and it's tail tends to breach the surface. I have also not seen the goldfish eat since it arrived. I fear the fish will die if I don't do anything. What should I do?

submitted by /u/Kiwi1938
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Bit of a scare today

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:27 PM PDT

Earlier today I got home from work and this guy was bent in half laying sideways on the bottom of his tank not moving, tapped the plastic and he sprung up than fell back down again, when I went to go eat dinner he was sitting sideways on the bottom not moving (very slight gill movement), I added some more water (tank was a little low) with a drop of a tap water treatment and about an hour later he is moving around like nothing ever happened. This is also a 7¢ feeder fish but he's survived a tumor on his head when everyone said he would die and I've had him for about 7 years now so he's kinda special to me. I've also never even thought to get water testing strips until today.

submitted by /u/EmergingTuna21
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Need cleaning advice details in comments

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:19 PM PDT

How many fancy goldfish would fit comfortably in a 37 gallon tank?

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:27 PM PDT

I've been making a lot of similar posts here. That's because I keep on deciding on different tank sizes. The original plan was 20 gallons. Then it was 29 gallons. Today, as a birthday gift, my dad surprised me with a 37 gallon tank.

My plan is to get fancy goldfish. I absolutely adore them. I'm wondering how many would be OK in the tank I have. I've been researching this and getting different answers from every source. Some say only one, some say two, and some say three. I would love to have three, but I get the feeling that it would get cramped as they grow. I would also want to add a small clean-up crew, like snails or a small pleco or something like that.

With that in mind, how many fancy goldfish, if any, would fit comfortably in my 37 gallon tank?

submitted by /u/heckyouyourself
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Goldfish sick need help

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Help? Tail fin torn off and fish barely moves and doesn't eat

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:35 PM PDT

Hi everyone - I have a goldfish that somehow lost its tail fin a couple of days ago. We are thinking it's a net injury or bullying from other fish. But its become more and more lethargic - barely moving and not eating and was getting pulled by the pump currents. I've since then moved it to a small isolation tank and changed the water with conditioner. It doesn't look to be fin rot as there are no whiteness around the fin (seems like a clean break off but with some fraying). Is there anything else I can do? If you have any experience, I'd appreciate your advice!

submitted by /u/kathreenelly
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HELP something is wrong with goldfish.

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:42 AM PDT

I posted a couple days ago about my fish but now something different has happened. I've suspected she has swim bladder disease but now it's gotten worse. She's completely bent on her side but will occasionally swim back up straight but just go back over. I've used treatment last night and a few days before but this is still happening.

This happened with my old fish too. But this one has just happened this morning. She was fine and swimming around normally but when I woke up she just started bending over in the last 30 minutes

Please help or give any advice possible idk what to do I've done everything I can think of

submitted by /u/_antisocialmoth
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Is one 55g canister filter plus sponge filters adequate for a 75g tank?

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:46 AM PDT

I just spent almost $800 on a new tank and stand set, plus a python and all the other stuff I'm going to need.

Anyways, I've worked out almost every kink except for one — now that my tank is up, I realized I couldn't put the filter I currently have running (the AC 70) on the back because there's no space between the tank and the wall. (I was just going to run that and another filter I have at the same time for now…. and then I would get a bigger filter later on. But now I realize I can't do that.)

I could put them on the sides of the tank but two HOB filters would look extremely tacky on the sides of my tank. So now I'm left with pretty much one choice and that's a canister filter but I can't really afford a canister filter for a 75 gallon tank though, especially not right now. They're like $200 and there's no way — I need work done on my car amongst other things.

But I noticed that the canister filters that are made for 55g tanks are significantly cheaper.

So, my question is this: could I just get a 55 canister filter, and then run that with additional filtration in the actual tank? Like with some sponge filters? I don't want to buy one though if it would be pointless but I really don't know or have many options, so I'm asking for opinions and ideas.

Thank you to anyone who replies!

submitted by /u/APrettyJay
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