Goldfish - Aquariums - Creamsicle is so pretty

Creamsicle is so pretty

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:42 PM PDT

These fish all looked the same when they arrived but all have their own little personalities now. ��

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:04 PM PDT

Help, black on goldfish. There was less on him earlier today.

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:56 PM PDT

My wee herd !

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:15 AM PDT

Re: Maximum temperature for Lion Head Goldfish. I am at 33C/91.4F for shaded outdoor tank, ~350L, 55cm/2ft depth with waterfall. Can the Lion Head goldfish sustain themselves at this temp through the next 3 months of summer? Also have 1 x 18cm butterfly koi

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:59 PM PDT

Could I home one of these delightful folk in a 90ltr tank?

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:45 PM PDT

I'm out of options

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:40 PM PDT

I have 2 goldfish that are sick and have tried again and again to nurse them back to health. My efforts were to no avail. I'm in highschool with no job, no money, and no one to help me. I've gone to my parents for help but they're also tight on money and don't really care whether the fish live or die. I've tried giving them away but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm trying to convince my parents to take them to a vet or get a bigger tank but I doubt they'll listen.

I don't want to give them away. I don't know how to make them get better. I need help.

Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/juicybananatan
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Question about cycling

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:23 PM PDT

I've done some research and understand the basic concept of cycling a tank before adding fish. My question is about the bacteria. Where does it come from? Will the bacteria just find a way into the tank while it's cycling to remove ammonia or do I need to introduce them myself?

submitted by /u/idontwantyour_lemons
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Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:43 PM PDT

I've finally finished setting up my new 170g pond and let it cycle with tons of bacteria from multiple sponge filters and some additional bacteria added in with some plants and rocks. I added the first two common goldies yesterday and they have moved a bit but aren't nearly as active as they were until he previous tank. once i add my 3 fancy goldies that they were with in the previous tank should they start too become more active? or are they just settling in and getting used too the new much bigger space?

submitted by /u/Faintertrack38
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What veggies and fruits do you feed your goldfish?

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:16 PM PDT

Looking to upgrade my tank, but I've got so many questions (South Bay Area, California)

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:20 PM PDT

Hi everyone,

How are you?

A while back I got a 55 gallon for two orandas (they're named Tywin and Sansa haha). I thought I'd be happy with two...surprise surprise not even a full year later and I'm already thinking about upgrading (lmao). I guess I can thank y'all and Goldfish Island for showing me the beauty of every single oranda haha.

This is where I kind of need y'all's help.

Some facts:

  • I live in South Bay Area (think like San Jose/Cupertino/Sunnyvale/Santa Clara area), California.
  • So the "space" I have for the tank is limited, at most the tank can be about 4 foot long as that is the space designated for my goldfish. Width, I'm thinking I can probably do 2 feet at most? (24 inches). Height, is.... whatever the tank is (the last of the priority lol. I have height. Just not that much length/width area. So I plugged those numbers into an online tank/gallon calculator and based on the results, I'm thinking I can get a 75 gallon or a 90 gallon (?).
  • I've measured the space against a Marineland 75 gallon ensemble and it'd fit.
  • Water changes are on a weekly basis and based on how much nitrates there are (but typically I will do slightly larger water changes cause goldfish are just poop monsters).
  • Cost wise, obviously the cheaper it is, the better it is, however, I'm comfortable spending probably up to about ...1k, stretching to maybe 1.2k for tank/stand alone (all other items such as filters, airstones, etc. are not included in this budget and have a separate budget). I'd just like my babies to be happy.

My questions are this:

1) How many orandas can I have in a 75 gallon? I'm not particularly interested in any other species of fancy goldfish at this moment (lmao orandas have stolen my heart)?

2) Does anyone have a Marineland 75 gallon ensemble? I went to my local PetSmart today to check out the tank and I believe it's part "real" wood and part particleboard. My concern is that overtime the water will either warp the stand. Any concerns about leaks I should be aware of? I'd also like to hear your experience and if you have purchased one recently and have any experiences with them.

3) Do you have recommendations for any other tanks that would fit the dimensions I'm looking for? Bonus points if the stand comes assembled already because I'm terrible with instructions and probably will have to taskrabbit someone to help me. I live in South Bay Area so if you know of quality tanks in South Bay, please let me know. Or would it be a good idea to maybe buy a tank separately and find someone who would be willing to build me a custom stand? If I were to go this route, is this feasible? Or if you know anyone in the Bay Area who could build that stand (paid of course and can deliver for a fee to South Bay), could you pm me a name? (not sure if this is breaking rules here).

5) This sounds a little silly, but would it be a good idea to put some sort of "tile" or laminate between the wood and tank to help preserve it a little longer? Or would that be too much extra "weight" on the tank? I'm planning on bare bottom with maybe a few stones and plants, but nothing crazy.

6) A local fish store guy told me that a tank with a depth (height?) of about 20-21 inches is good and that he wouldn't go over 24 though for fancy goldfish. I wanted to confirm with y'all if that's true or maybe it's for particular types of fancies?

Thank you so much and I apologize if I got really off topic or anything (hopefully, I didn't break any rules either). Just really want to do right by these guys (and the future guys lol).

submitted by /u/AriaOtogi
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Call the crib, same number, same hood, it's all good!

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:23 AM PDT

Red capped oranda has poop sticking out like this for some time .Is my fish constipated ??

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:26 AM PDT

I finally found a plant that don't eat and can't uproot (roots under stone).

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:15 AM PDT

My lionhead has grown so fast :’) swipe for small bean

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:15 PM PDT

Up close and personal, they js had scrambled eggs ��

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:36 PM PDT

Advice needed. Sorry for the long post, I’m desperate and a bit out of my depth.

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:29 AM PDT

Yesterday I bought 4 small goldfish, saving them from some people that clearly didn't give a crap about them. They've been kept in a 25l tank with a filter that didn't work due to lack of cleaning, gravel that looks like it's never been cleaned either, and with no plants. Upon closer inspection one fish appears to have a broken dorsal fin, one seems to have bulging eyes and another looks to have irritated gills.

I've bought a new, massive tank (i'm not sure of the exact dimensions but it's almost three times the original) and I need to get them into it as soon as possible, as the tank they're in is the original and it's horrible. I've fixed the filter, it's working well now. Honestly just need advice as to the best course of action with getting them into the new one without causing more stress. Can I pour all the water they're in now into it and do gradual changes and top ups? do i need all new water?

I'm also going to the LFS tomorrow, so any tips on what to get would be appreciated. I've never kept goldfish before but I'm going to put all the effort into making sure they're happy and healthy.

I've attached pictures of the original listing, the new tank, the filter, how the water was when i got it (bear in mind I had to do a partial water change as the guy tipped out most of the original water so god knows what it looked like before) and how the water/ fish are now

submitted by /u/orzoli
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Moved my tiny fantails into their forever 240litre home ! (Question in comments)

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:52 PM PDT

Where to buy shubunkins

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:35 PM PDT

Looking for an online store to buy high quality shubunkins. Preferably a store that has pics of the actual fish.

submitted by /u/Fskafish
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Found a fish belly up today. Nothing irregular on the body of the fish. Any ideas?

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:50 AM PDT

Groomed all these gf looking like sb’s lol enjoy ����������

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:43 AM PDT

Fancy goldfish and red shiners minnows?

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:29 PM PDT

I live with my grandmother and she thinks my 125 gallon tank looks bare, she wants more fish in it. I have 3 large fancy goldfish in there now and I can't afford another goldfish of a similar size. I've read that red shiners and White Cloud Mountain minnows can mix with goldfish, is this true? I have an infinite supply of wild caught red shiners I can rescue from my neighbor's bait bucket, quarantine, and treat with fish antibiotics.

I usually don't condone keeping wild fish as pets, but with the state minnows are bred and kept in at pet stores, I almost feel like quarantined and treated wild ones would be healthier. Especially since I'd be taking them from a fate of being used as catfish bait.

submitted by /u/Techi-C
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What fancy goldfish are the best for ponds?

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:44 PM PDT

Ranchu, pearlscale, telescope eye, oranda, fantail, etc

submitted by /u/SF_DooDooShoes
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Back to School Planning

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:38 AM PDT

Hi there, everybody! I recently finished setting up my 125 gallon aquarium for my 3 adult fancy goldfish to move into, and I'm considering adding a 4th. I run two marineland 360s on the tank for a total of 720 gph. Last semester, I came home once every other weekend to clean my tanks (about 80% water change and filter maintenance every other clean). But, with classes returning to in person, I want to be prepared in case I get stuck up at school and can only return say, once a month (worst case scenario). My question is whether you guys think 4 adult fancy goldfish can live comfortably in a standard 125, swimming space wise and water quality wise, given my situation. Thanks in advance for your advice!

submitted by /u/CrazyFishLady_
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