Goldfish - Aquariums - Can fish get sunburned?

Can fish get sunburned?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:32 PM PDT

Please help identify the cause of my baby's red spots

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 04:58 AM PDT

Advice for SBD/constipation? Info in comments

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:01 PM PDT

Poor baby being picked on

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:54 AM PDT

So, my daughter got a very small fish tank for Christmas. 14l.

Boxing day we got her 2 goldfish and 3 tetras, and they have been going ok.

Recently I upgraded my tropical fish tank, so the goldies got upgraded from a 14L tank to an 80L tank. We also bought 3 more fish.

One has died of unknown causes of the new batch.

Of the 2 original goldfish from boxing day, one has doubled in size, one has not.

The one who has not has started losing his top fin, and has been hovering around the top ofbthe tank for a couple of weeks at least.

Today, I noticed his tail, which had been looking weak, is now completely gone, 2 days ago, he had a tail.

I have set up the original 14L tank tonight as a hospital tank, and cannot believe how happy this little fish is.

I am starting to think now that he was staying at the top.of the tank because he was avoiding the other fish, not because he was having difficulty swimming down. He is eating like a champ? Darting around the tank top and bottom, and playing with the bubbles from the air stone. I think this poor creature has been badly bullied. He's happy as a pig in s**t right now.

Will keep him separated for as long as it takes for him to get strong. Will also get some fin rot treatment case it isn't straight up bullying.

submitted by /u/HappyDaysAreHere32
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redosing kanaplex i’m quarantine tank question

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 05:28 AM PDT

i have a goldfish i am treating with kanaplex and was wondering how i should go about doing water changes in the tank. i gave the first dose on tuesday so i will give the second today, should i be changing water everyday or just before dosing? not familiar using kanaplex and just want to make sure i am not doing anything wrong

submitted by /u/Realmarkj0nes
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Is this something I should be concerned about?

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:59 AM PDT

A quick question about my shubunkin

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 03:06 AM PDT

I get him maybe 3 weeks ago? About a month. And all was fine till today I noticed a rather big Protruding lump towards his back end. As I'm typing this it seemed to of dented inward slightly as if it was to pop? I looked at photographs of which I took of him when I first got him and at the time I didn't know but the lump is there in the photographs just not as big maybe half the size it is now. He's acting as perfect as ever so I'm not sure if it's to be of concern. Does anybody know?

submitted by /u/Nintendokid_06
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Name that fry! Round 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:35 AM PDT

Tank & Stock Tank / Pond Questions

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:09 PM PDT

I've got two rescue goldfish, looks like feeders, ones got a longer tail so probably a comet & a common? They're currently inside in a 72 gallon bowfront, one is just under 4", the other is just about 5" (including tails) Over the last year I've had them the parameters have been stable (0,0, less than 20) only once has the nitrates gotten bad (60ish) but that was after a vacation and I'm assuming due to the numbers that pet sitter ignored the fish chores.

It's summer, my seasonal job just ended, I don't have a ton of cash, but I don't want to hurt these fish or stunt them. The tanks 4' wide, 1' deep and 22" tall, they're able to maneuver around everything with ease and the parameters are stable for the past few months. Do I have a little bit of time still to get a stock tank or pond set up? or do I need to get a ride to WilCo tomorrow and get this cycled asap? I thought the 72 gallons was enough for them (and better than the 10 I rescued em from) but after reading through this wiki... I've made a mistake ^^" I wish I'd gone on here sooner...

I've been looking at different ways to make a pond, I've been really nervous about it though. Is it expensive to keep them heated during the winter? (northern Oregon) I was looking at using those bigger livestock stock tanks like at TSC or WilCo, how does one hook a filter up to that? We have an outlet going outside that I could probably dust off and use for a filter and a heater. Is it difficult to transition them from being spoiled brat inside goldies to spoiled rotten outside fish? What size should I look at getting? These are the 3 I saw first when goin online-

Is there another one I should look at? bigger size? Do the metal ones work too or should I stick with this thick plastic? Thank you in advance, sorry for the stupid questions

submitted by /u/No_Positive_4590
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Help - bent back, not swimming, sunk?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:35 PM PDT

Marked as nsfw bc not everyone likes to see sick fish

A few months ago I added 3 comet goldfish to a 55g tank

Today I checked on them and one was at the bottom of the tank and its back was bent, and it was on its side. Wasn't moving/swimming until I picked it up and moved it to another tank for isolation, when it wiggled a bit but still stayed on its side. Gills were moving at a normal speed but wasn't gulping at water or eating. And maybe I'm imagining it but it looked a bit bloated/body was a bit wide.

What's the cause of it? Is it an infection, or a broken spine? What can I do to help it heal?

Attached a pic below. The isolation tank is relatively small but it's only temporary and the filter is pretty strong. Thank you for any help/advice

submitted by /u/jankfennel
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Help and advice for someone who has almost no experience.

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:41 PM PDT

Alright, I'm thinking about becoming serious about fish keeping gold fish. I have a 6-gallon aquarium I was given as a gift and I'm wondering if I should even attempt to keep even one goldfish inside as well as living plants (which I also have no experience with). I've heard from some sources that even one goldfish needs 55 to 75-gallons of room to swim in but I've also seen communities of four or more goldfish swimming in around in 75-gallon tanks. Just looking for advice in which direction I should take in order to be successful in keeping goldfish happy and alive

submitted by /u/idontwantyour_lemons
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Goldfish has bug in mouth? Won't swallow?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:31 PM PDT

Kingyo madness!! ����

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:52 AM PDT

Moving a cycling tank?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:19 PM PDT

Hi everyone, I'm currently in the process of cycling my tank. It's been about 4 weeks and I'm at the nitrite peak stage. However, my housing situation changed and I'm moving in the next 2 months. How can I move my tank and have my bacteria survive? I'm not moving very far, only 5 min away. Should I even attempt this or just restart my cycle when I move?

submitted by /u/oatmilkslut
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High Ammonia content

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:42 PM PDT

Hello folks

Ammonia is at higher level and PH is at 6, Nitrate and Nitrates are fine they are at 0 ppm. Have 5 gold fish in a 15 gallon tank. Planning to upgrade them to 40 or 55 gallon tank in a month or so. Got these 🐟 🐠 fish from my friend who is relocating, he was saying he will leave the fish in the neary by community pond but I thought I will give them a home. But I should admit I had zero knowledge about petting fish and the requirement, learning all now. Let me know how I can bring the Ammonia level in the mean time. I do 50% water change every week and have a strong filter system, internal for 30 gallon and HOB for 15 gallon. Have wavemaker in the bottom to bring all debris up so atleast I can reduce that ammonia level. But still its not in control. Please suggest

submitted by /u/Alive_Dot_2244
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Is this normal goldfish behavior?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:45 PM PDT

Is this normal goldfish behavior?

Recently(last day and a half) the two month old goldfish has been in a cycle of

  1. floating to the top, going sideways
  2. floating away from the corner of the tank due to current(away from its' reflection)
  3. going back upright
  4. swimming towards the corner of the tank(towards its' reflection)
  5. going sideways
  6. back to 1

A few days ago it's been fairly active swimming around(although if it relaxed it would float upwards), pooping as soon as we feed it in long strings(sometimes a mix between white,black,and stringy in a single poop), when feeding it takes multiple attempts to catch food it used to get in one try/misses.

It used to swim around the bottom of the tank a few days ago picking up gravel and spitting it out without floating to the top.

EDIT: it does often end up on the opposite corner of the tank floating sideways until it starts swimming again, but it seems generally swim on the top 10% of the water.

The tank/corner

floating away


upright, coming back closer to the reflection



submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Tax8554
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Fish & Chips inspects airstones. (Question: can be too much bubbles to make danger instead help?)

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:44 AM PDT

UV sterilizer for disease prevention?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:58 PM PDT

Hello all. I have had an aquarium for many years, and during its life several fish have passed away in it. One of which passed overnight due to an internal infection (had her for nearly 2yrs). I'm aware that a lot of bacteria is always present in aquariums, and that fish may only become susceptible to infection when stressed or the immune system is lowered. I believe this is the case for me as I have been consistent in maintaining my water quality and I have one fish who has survived the last three deaths and appears in perfect health. I will eventually want to get more fish as goldfish are social, but I'm not really sure how to prepare the tank. Some reading online suggested a UV sterilizer could take care of some of this, and relieve some pressure off the fish's immune system. I've also considered bleaching the entire tank, or even tossing it and starting over, but I'm concerned about my nitrate cycle as well as some lovely plants I've managed to grow over the years. Any advice? Does anyone use a UV sterilizer?

submitted by /u/sesame-swims
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Can a hardwood floor handle a pond?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:18 PM PDT

Wanted to ask if a wood floor could handle a standard goldfish pond. Does it need to be reinforced?

submitted by /u/Multiverse_Queen
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After a few setbacks building the tank stand (first woodworking project), I'm so close to giving our piggies the tank they deserve!

Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:53 PM PDT

My sisters goldfish has a lump that grew basically over 2 nights. It’s getting red and a lot bigger now. What’s going on?

Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:36 AM PDT

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