Axolotl - Aquariums - Blood Worms give you WIIIIINGSS

Blood Worms give you WIIIIINGSS

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:32 AM PDT

This piece is for my son who is a huge Axolotl fan.

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:14 AM PDT

Daily dose of Chonk before I go to school

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:10 AM PDT

Chonk posed for. More

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:12 AM PDT

Love to you all, and happy Axolotl Thursday

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 05:27 PM PDT

Here’s a clip of the whole tank for those asking. I made the waterfall/Cenote out of pond foam and lava rock. Thanks for all the feedback ������

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:02 PM PDT

“Heard there was a staring contest”

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:16 PM PDT

Weezy’s glamour shot

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 05:20 PM PDT

How it started vs. how it’s going! Interwebs, meet Bruni!��

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:07 PM PDT

Here’s another clip with the UV underworld lighting on for dramatic effect lol

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:31 PM PDT

Please dont touch my toy okay human

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:35 AM PDT

Wanting an axie

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:08 AM PDT

Hey y'all! I'm seriously considering getting an axie or two. I have tons of years of experience in pet stores in general, mostly herps and both fresh and saltwater, but very little experience with axies.

In thinking a 20 or 40 gallon long (depending on if I get 1 or 2), slate bottom so it's easy to vac but they still have some traction, decently planted, lots of hidey holes, etc. But filtration. I love canister filters, but having issues finding a way to break up the strong output flow. What do y'all typically use? Sponge filtration?

I'll obviously need to cycle the tank to get it stable before bringing an axie home - feeder guppies do the trick?

Just want to make sure I give my little axie(s) the best setup possible, so any advice or specific setup recommendations you have would be great <3

submitted by /u/Spunky_gal88
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My baby axolotl won’t eat and loses color

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:06 AM PDT


I've had this axolotl for three months and another one for 2. The other one has died yesterday and we have no idea why!

Onyx (the one still alive), won't eat and although he is black, he looks white now. His fins are incredibly short and doesn't move as much. If he does, he is trying to get down but eventually starts floating again.

We have measured the water and it's not too cold or hot. But there's too more chlorine and potassium, how do I fix that?

I'm really worried. I don't want to lose Onyx too..

And I cant find any vets for axolotls where I live!

submitted by /u/emopurpleblob
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Tulip is loving her planted tank

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:46 PM PDT

Can any of you please tell me how much do Axolotl eggs cost? (Reward for first person to answer is one silver)

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:29 AM PDT

I am probably not going to breed Axolotls at all but I still want to know how much they cost, last year I got a platinum award for being the first one to comment right when the new year started and just want to give it away. So one silver for first person to answer.

submitted by /u/SubWreck
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What's wrong with my baby axolotls?

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 06:12 AM PDT

One of my parent's friends gave me three axolotl eggs. They all hatched about 8 days ago and they were all okay for the first couple of days but now two of them float (one more than the other). I know that when that happens chances are they're going to die but I was wondering if there's anything I can do. They're a mix between a yellow axolotl and a black one, I change their water every second day(I don't want to stress them out by changing it everyday yet), and they eat bloodworms. If possible, can you give me any advice on how to prevent this from happening to the last one?

I've owned one before and although he didn't grow to his full size for the time we had him, he never had this problem. We had to give him away because our landlord at the time said we couldn't get a bigger tank.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/reallyShortT-rex
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Chiller users - how do you deal with condensation?

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 06:11 AM PDT

I live in a fairly humid area and can't afford to run my A/C constantly, so now that it's summer and my tank is colder than the room, I'm getting a lot of condensation on the outside of the tank. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas for dealing with it. I don't care about how it looks, but my tank is on a wooden desk so I'm worried about water damage.

I am considering getting a small (single-room type) dehumidifier, but I'm not sure how effective that would be, since I keep my windows open overnight to cool down my apartment.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? How did you deal with condensation?

submitted by /u/unrelatedtoelephants
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My cute axolotl tattoo I got !!

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:55 AM PDT


Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:02 PM PDT

Where can I buy an axolotl, I'm from Mexico

submitted by /u/SirKhadaJhin
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Does he look healthy? His gills are normal the first pic was a bad angle

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 05:28 PM PDT

Anyone seen this before? I've never seen it before :( I appreciate any feedback very much. Sorry if this has been covered before

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 08:17 PM PDT

Which is better

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 02:11 AM PDT

Which is better

View Poll

submitted by /u/MrShinySandslah
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Hammock training. A lot of worms lost their life for this cause ��

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:37 PM PDT

Covering the tank.

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:31 AM PDT

So I cover my aquarium with a blanket to keep light out (Ponyo has several hides and plants), and it keep my axolotl's stress down, but I've noticed it also helps insulate my aquarium and helps my chillers work less. Keeps my axolotl happy and my energy bill down! Just sharing ♡

submitted by /u/dokidokiMkat
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More Chonk Shot On My IPad :D

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:56 AM PDT

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