Reef Tank - Aquariums - Month 3 update of my evo 13.5g

Month 3 update of my evo 13.5g

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:25 PM PDT

Over a year and a half ago I picked up a small watchman goby and it completely disappeared after a week...

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:15 PM PDT

Cheers to the weekend ���� - @reefer_nyc

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:59 AM PDT

UPDATE: Chris Angelfish is back in the main display. (The fish that disappeared for over a year)

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:00 PM PDT

My new 6-line wrasse, his name is Hendrix!

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:38 PM PDT

Got some clowns and an anenome today and they are already hosting ��

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:19 PM PDT

My 14gal nano mixed reef 7 month update

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:01 PM PDT

A clown and his home ��

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:33 PM PDT

So excited for my college room tank!

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:02 AM PDT

It’s like therapy having a fish tank, they listen so well ya know

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:18 PM PDT

I absolutely love Euphilia my absolute favourite genus of coral.

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:33 PM PDT

Went to Fragtopia in Knoxville yesterday. Awesome show. Thanks to all that came out. Scored 10 nice pieces.

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:56 PM PDT

1 week into quarantine and my new copperband is finally eating frozen mysis!

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:06 AM PDT

anyone else ever get a fancy rock to hold frag plugs, then it does this? to sketchy to put in my tank but thought it was interesting

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:31 PM PDT

Did you know that Coral and Silver were the primary trade goods of the Roman Empire?

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:41 PM PDT

A starfish walking

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:30 PM PDT

CUC on your CUC so you can clean while you clean

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:12 PM PDT

Day 12 update on Yoshi

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:12 PM PDT

Just bought a 2nd hand evo 13.5. Had been customised with all the bits ready to go.

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:30 PM PDT

Thanks to all the help and advice from this subreddit I just bought a second round of frags for my reef tank. Figured I would start contributing some pictures instead of only help threads. [Pic]

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:13 AM PDT

Branching GSP 3.5 month growth

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:04 AM PDT

Hitchhiker ID?

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:43 PM PDT

It’s not pretty but my tank is pretty much self sufficient. Other DOS not in picture but I have it all connected now. I just need to start testing to see how much to dose. I auto change 1.5 gallons a day.... next will be automated mixing station ;)

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:28 PM PDT


Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:49 AM PDT

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