Goldfish - Aquariums - tattoo i got today

tattoo i got today

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:56 AM PDT

Can you see me?!?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:44 PM PDT

Is this love?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:07 PM PDT

He can breath in the air too. lmao

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:09 AM PDT

Are my goldfish trying to breed? They do this pretty often always the calico chasing the black moor

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:48 AM PDT

How "The Python" changed my water and life!

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:21 AM PDT

Oh man you guys, everyone who has goldfish needs one of these suckers.

I have 3 tanks now. The 65g for my goldfish, the 40g is for my guppies and a 10g for fry and hospital if need be.

I do alot of water changes, like all 3 tanks get at least a 25% change a week. I'm trying to grow some fish out and want to remove the hormones in the tank to help them grow. The old gravel vac and bucket was fine until I had surgery and was unable to do the changes myself, the water buckets were above my lift allowance and I had to have help to do them ,which is a huge pain in my ass!

So I went to my fish "dealer" (because this hobby is more addictive than drugs) and after some youtube videos showing me how it worked, I got the python water change system.

Holy shit, this thing is amazing. It literally halved or more the time it took to do my water changes, but the gravel vac is so strong it actually cleaned the poo insead of just stirring it up. Then I just made sure the water from my faucet was the right temp, added my water conditioner to the tank and bing bang boom, im done and watching the fish play. The best part was I didn't even have to lift anything or roll anything!!! It saved me alot of literal pain! Everyone needs one of these!!!!

Tl:DR Water is heavy and wet. This thing keeps you dry and out of the hospital!

submitted by /u/Moxirah
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I did my first tests and these are the results. I did a water change yesterday does anyone have any advice to get these results down

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:09 PM PDT

Help with sick goldfish

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:43 PM PDT

Can anyone tell me what that growth is on the dorsal area? And is that scale damage anything to be worried about? I got him only today, and unfortunately did not notice these at the store. The others I've got don't have any issues.

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:33 AM PDT

too many eggs

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:34 AM PDT

Having your goldfish lay eggs can be a really cool experience, but uh.. mine won't stop. I've already been raising their first batch of fry for a few months now and they just keep laying more eggs. I haven't been removing the eggs, letting the parents eat them so I won't have my hands too full, but they still will not stop. I've tried lessening their feedings, keeping the water a slightly lower temp, all that fun stuff and they're still at it unfortunately. The water is perpetually cloudy because they're seriously so intent on reproducing. Any suggestions? I'm at a loss

Both fantails in a 55gal

submitted by /u/Ship_Late
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Goldfish Safe Live Plants

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:57 PM PDT

Is there such a thing as a live plant goldfish won't eat? I'd like to add some to my tank. I've done a lot of Google searches but I don't trust what I've read. One site told me moss balls lol. I bought one once just so they could eat it! Don't want anything fancy but for low-tech.

submitted by /u/SatanEatsBabies
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Please help! Does anyone know what these spots/sores are, they just appeared?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:38 PM PDT

Funky colouration, comes from a pond of common and fantail goldfish and is the only one with more than two colours. Just luck of the chance breeding?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

Poppy(Calico) & Lutz (Goofy one)

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 10:23 PM PDT

Send good vibes please!!!

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:20 AM PDT

Last night I was doing some work on our air pump and the air tube of the airstone siphoned about 7 gallons of water on our floor and leaked into our basement before I caught it😓 we've got a dehumidifier going and mopped up as best we can but I'm terrified our landlord is going to make us get rid of our tanks, despite this being very much a freak accident. There's a bit of damage where the water leaked but I'm most worried about the carpet, which soaked up the majority of the water. If anyone has any advice for something like this pls let me know otherwise send good vibes the handyman is coming today to check it out. Thanks yall!

submitted by /u/stormfet
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Happy fish after a water change and some new plant snacks being added!

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 10:19 PM PDT

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