Goldfish - Aquariums - Fsh <3<3

Fsh <3<3

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:35 AM PDT

Watch the big guy. He likes to aggressively yell at my movements. This is him reacting to me waving at him. 1 wave = 1 yell.

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:24 PM PDT

Repashy Supergold for lunch! Just over 2 month old Orandas. Love these little fellas ❤️

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:00 PM PDT

Can y'all tell me what's wrong with ketchup ��

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:08 PM PDT

Came home from college to see this blatant disregard for our goldfish’s health. I have my family setting up the larger tank I made them buy last time I was home at the moment while I head to the store to try to find a treatment. Does anyone know what this is/how to treat it?

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:17 AM PDT

Newest Piggy.

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:38 AM PDT

My fishies

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

Snack time!

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:48 AM PDT

His main tank has 2 hill stream loaches and these 2 comet goldfish in a 20 gallon for now until they get bigger. And the parameters are 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, 20 nitrate, 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and a 7.0 ph. Please help I don’t know how much longer he’s got.

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:46 PM PDT

What the heck is this?! He's been dealing with a swim bladder problem for a while now. But now this?! Is this pop eye??? I've got a quarantine tank ready for him

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:36 AM PDT

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone can tell me if my goldfish is sick. He has these little white spots on his head and had a little bit of discolouration on the tail. Is this ick? Or something else I should worry about? Thank you!

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:50 PM PDT

Goldfish lays in bottom corner of tank

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:03 PM PDT

Hello all - I am worried about my goldfish who I care for dearly. He is very healthy, I feed him regularly and do 50% water changes every other week. Temperature is 68-69 degrees, just tested water and it's 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites - well cycled tank. I feed him warm green pea from time to time as a treat and for his health. I do everything by the book. But the past month he has been laying in the back corner of the tank. only comes up for feeding, otherwise back in the corner. no sign of illness or disease.

Background: he was fine and dandy but then I added a goldfish to his tank and he beat up on the little guy so I returned the fish to the store. got a different goldfish almost his size and he beat up on him too and had to return that one too. It was constant nipping and ramming into him. That was about a month ago. since then, he's been sad and unmoving at the bottom. makes me so sad. No sign of illness otherwise. hes shiny and he swims great...when he does swim.

Also, when I come around he has started to hide behind the greenery in there. Before he used to come up and socialize with me. Really the whole thing has me pressed. Looking for advice on what to do.

submitted by /u/ShadyBizz1
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What are your quarantine methods with a new fish?

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:54 PM PDT

Like the title says, I'd love to hear everyone's methods so I can add things to my routine as needed!

I just got a little friend for my other goldie and so far it looks good (it's been in qt for a week), it's pretty small so I worry about treating it for things if I'm not seeing signs or symptoms.

submitted by /u/Our_Old_Truth
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Can goldfish live happy lives without other goldfish?

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:12 PM PDT

I might be getting a 20 gallon tank soon, and I'm pretty sure that's only big enough for one black moor goldfish. Should I get one and risk it getting lonely, or get two and risk the tank being overstocked? Or should I just avoid goldfish?

submitted by /u/heckyouyourself
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Is this ick if so how should I treat it I have a heater what would I turn it up to and what product should I use to help

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:08 AM PDT

I must have made a mistake somewhere, newbie fish owner looking for answers, not judgement

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:17 PM PDT

You can see in my post history I've had a fantail goldfish in a 40 gallon since about September. He was originally in that tank with a black moor who died due to stress, that was my first mistake but not the one I'm talking about here.

Homer (the fantail) died just a few days ago. He was staying near the bottom of the tank a few days ahead of time and I was keeping an eye on him. Things took a turn for the worse and he stopped eating and was having a lot of trouble swimming. His breathing was shallow and erratic, and he was starting to go belly up. After a couple days of treatment in a quarantine tank with his condition continuing to worsen I decided to euthanize him with clove oil.

I'm so upset and confused. I just want to know what happened, so here's all the facts about Homer and the setup.

Homer came from petco, I work at that particular store and I had my eye on him ahead of time. He was lively and ate well, so I thought he'd be healthy enough to take home. The tank is now seven months old and Homers been in it for most of that time. I did cycle it ahead of time and it was ready for fish.

There's 11 24k mountain minnows as well as a pictus catfish. The filter is a HOB Marineland Penguin 200. The params were 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, and hovered at 10ppm nitrate most of the time. The water was slightly hard as well as slightly acidic at about 6.8 pH. Temps were mostly 69-70 degrees Celsius during the day and 65-67 degrees Celsius at night. Everybody ate once a day, the minnows got Fluval bug bites, Homer got goldfish sinking pellets, and the pictus got bottom feeder tablets. I also feed bloodworms about once a week.

To my understanding I changed the water as often as needed, which was when the nitrates got above 10ppm (I read in an article that's the best thing to go by and not just 20% every week).

What happened? I thought these were the ideal conditions for goldfish, did I go wrong somewhere? I'm thinking I didn't change the water often enough because I was only watching nitrates, could waste have built up in a different way and caused him to die? Could it have been his iffy genetics given he came from petco? All the other fish are totally healthy except a single minnow which is having swim bladder issues.

I've already seen on this sub where fish lovers can get a bit intense when somebody isn't treating their fish right, I know how that is. I just want to assure everyone that I researched and spent so much time on these guys, I did not just buy a ten gallon and stick Homer in there uncycled. I read every article I could find, asked fish owners as many questions as I could, and genuinely tried my best to provide for the animals I love. I just don't want to be judged too harshly cause evidently I missed something along the way.

This is a long winded way of asking, what happened to Homer and how can I prevent it from happening to my fish in the future? Thanks for any insight

submitted by /u/Roborovski_18
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What is the maximum water change i can do daily?

Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:00 AM PDT

Hi everyone, I've been having issues with nitrates and phosphates in my tank and think I need to do daily water changes until it's back under control ni was wondering if there's a 'maximum' amount of water i can change out if I'm doing it daily? I'm thinking of doing about 40% every day, is that alright?

submitted by /u/cos180
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