Crayfish This guy right here...

This guy right here...

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:27 PM PDT

Found this guy in my local creek, anyone know the species name?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:40 AM PDT

Agnes (previously Agatha) molted yesterday. Her sassy attitude cannot be contained. ��

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

My white Yabby craylet. They are so adorable.

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:19 AM PDT

My cray eating food!

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 09:59 PM PDT

(Common yabby) viv looks pretty cool under a Black light

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:39 PM PDT

What do I do?!?! Is she gonna have babies? How can she have eggs if she hasn’t done the devils tango?? ������

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:33 AM PDT

(Common yabby) its viv approved. Shes the cutest

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:31 PM PDT


Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:56 AM PDT

We bought a batch of crawfish by the pound at a local grocery, bear with me, I know this is the pet crayfish subreddit. One of them crawled out into the sink under some dishes and we didn't notice. we found it while washing said dishes. Not knowing what else to do with it, not wanting to kill it since it was just one crawfish and not knowing how else to get rid of it, we stuck it in our empty aquarium tank.

It may sound strange, but the tank was unoccupied prior to putting the crawfish in. The tank was full of water, had gravel and decorations, and the filter ran occasionally. This is because we used to own fish, but many of them passed away and it became more trouble than it was worth, so we eventually decided to stop buying fish. We still liked the sound of the water passing through the filter in the house, it made for a nice silence, and we were frankly too lazy to figure out what to do with the empty aquarium (plus the aquarium looked good where it was as decoration), so, after the last fish passed away we cleaned the tank and decorations one last time, filled it with tap water, and let it be.

But that was the state of the tank when the crawfish came in it. We were pretty sure it was gonna die by itself the next day, or maybe the day after, because the water in the tank was pure untreated tank water, and the filter didn't have anything in it except for physical filter stuff. After it survived for 2-3 days we thought, hey maybe it might live. A quick google search said that crawfish can eat vegetables, so we stuck a baby carrot in the tank, feeling a bit bad that we ate its friends. Another google search, and we identified its gender as probably a female, getting a bit attached after watching it scuttle around our decorations and eating the carrot.

Later on I was doing some light research on my own, to see how you're supposed to deal with just scooping up a random crawfish from a grocery store (and if that even should be done at all, even if by accident like we did), found that its breed is red swamp and learned more about other breeds. Then, I read that red swamps are " known for carrying parasites and crayfish fungus plague." Not sure whether to be concerned about that, because there's nobody in the tank but the crawfish and we're definitely not planning on adding another one in there.

Google isn't really giving any results that are related to this situation, but then again I haven't exhausted the searches and lists, however I have looked. I'm pretty concerned, and unsure of how to proceed. Is it safe to pick up some random crawfish you were supposed to eat and let him chill as an accidental pet? If not how do I proceed with keeping it as a pet? What should be my next steps? Any help is appreciated, thank you for reading lmao

tldr?? a crawfish that we were supposed to eat is now living in our previously empty aquarium. what do? should we even have done?

submitted by /u/encroachingSea
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My crayfish, Rock, hasn't eaten in the last 5 days. Everything with the water is fine, and he's not shedding right now. Does anybody know what could be wrong? Or what I could try to feed him?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:38 AM PDT

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