Goldfish - Aquariums - Dotty’s face when she sees the fresh supply of snack ambulia is kinda priceless

Dotty’s face when she sees the fresh supply of snack ambulia is kinda priceless

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:03 PM PDT

Big Billy ✨

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PDT

Bullying or mating? I tried to put her in with this guy & another ryukin today & he became fixated on her wanting to be right by her side & sometimes under her tail. I know belly bumping is normal but it’s the constantly being by her side & in her face I’m worried about.

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:22 PM PDT

This is Hugo, and his little buddy Susan. He’s getting a bit of a tank renovation! I’m planting new plants and I’m soaking the tannins out of his new logs.

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:03 PM PDT

Parasites and red tail streaks? :(

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:25 PM PDT

Just when I thought my goldfish duo were done with 10 days after they've been put into the main tank, there's an issue D'X

I have no idea where this could've come from because I haven't even introduced anything new to this tank aside from some snails I added last month and the mature filter media and water spangles from someone on r/Aquaswap I added in early February while the tank was cycling.

Anyways...apparently there's a parasite problem, and both goldfish have red veiny streaks in their tails :(

I noticed something was off last night when Cherry was flashing, then I looked closer and saw both he and Glory have red streaks in their tails. I checked parameters and everything looked fine (0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, been keeping nitrates bellow 20 and just did a water change Tuesday). Upon closer look, I saw that Glory had a row of 4-5 tiny white things poking out from her side.

I gave them both a salt bath and the worm things were gone, then I put them back in the main tank and ordered General Cure (which will be here tomorrow night). Today, the little white "things" are poking out of Glory's side again...luckily haven't seen any flashing today yet though. I also noticed Glory briefly pokes her head out of the surface from time to time despite the healthy parameters and there being lots of flow and 2 sponge filters for oxygenation.

Aside from that, they're thankfully both acting normal; still super active throughout the day and still excitedly eating their meals. Has anyone else here dealt with this kind of thing? :(

submitted by /u/Flora-Tea
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New owner of 5 fantails, my dad doesn't care too much for animal welfare, I'm broke, need help and advice desperately

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:49 AM PDT

Hello everyone,

TL;DR: I'm a full-time student with very little money, my dad got a free tank from my sister and out 5 fantail goldfish in there, big tanks are way too expensive for me and I need budget options for tanks, filters, invertebrates and decor/enrichment/hides

Today my dad dropped a bombshell on me. My sister's fish had died so she has given him the tank. Now I'm really not familiar with gallons as a measurement but I'd say it's probably around 10 gallons based on other tanks I've seen. My dad immediately went out and purchased 5 fantail fish from a pet store (saying this because this probably means their health is not great straight off the bat), took them home and put them straight in the tank. He didn't let the tank stabilise, and he didn't use a safe start to add bacteria to the tank. I don't know how many gal/hour the filter is doing. There's a few fake plants and a substrate.

I've been saving up due to the rumours of a new Nintendo Switch releasing so I currently have just over £100 to spend on these fish. I've only had fish when I was very young and they died quite quickly so I'm scared for these fish. My dad has no regard for animal welfare which meant I spent almost all of my money last year on a hamster that he bought for his grandkids and never bothered with. I'm studying animal husbandry and going to uni to study zoology so this annoys me a lot (though land mammals and birds are my area of study, not fish). Despite my requests after the hamster he still didn't tell me he was getting these fish to allow me to prepare a better environment for them.

I'm truly sorry to clog up this subreddit with this, I just really want to ensure the welfare of these fish. Any advice on budget tanks, substrates, and filters as well as recommemdations on decor, hides, enrichment and any invertebrates that might do well with these fish would be greatly, greatly appreciated. Links would be awesome too. I've never had to actually take care of fish so any advice on good practices and how to care for them would be great too. Many thanks for your help in advance.

submitted by /u/throwawayfredgang
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When do you let go?

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:25 PM PDT


I was wondering when it is time to let go of your fish.

My beautiful boy, New Eye is an oranda. It's probably wrong to say but he is my favorite of my 5 fancies.

Last year he developed swim bladder issues which I managed to get under control a bit by fasting and feeding peas. He was (relatively) fine but would still sometimes rest up side down anywhere he wanted in the tank. His swimming was fine and he could also rest the normal way.

Now late last week I noticed he got a lot worse. He was always at the top upside down. Could still swim relatively normal but rest was always upside down at the top. As the week progressed and we get to today, he is still upside down at the top and when he tries to swim I can see it takes a lot of effort and he ends up swimming sideways.

Late last week when I noticed things got worse, I fed them peas and made sure he ate some also. Then I put them on a 3 day fast. When I fed them yesterday (sinking pellets) he couldn't get any because he just kinda bounced around.

It breaks my heart to see him like this.

I have looked at making a little harness for him but saw that they become more vulnerable to infections due to the slime coat being damaged.

I don't know what to do. Do I try making him a harnass and hope he gets life quality back? Or do I let my beautiful boy go and euthanise him with clove oil?

Any advice would be welcome. I feel like a complete failure because I couldn't protect him from losing so much life quality...

*Tank: 475 liters / 125 US gallons *Weekly water changes *Saturday = peas *Sunday = brine shrimp or blood worms *Weekdays = sinking pellets or repashy gel food *Feeding = 1x per day (in the morning, as soon as I get downstairs)

submitted by /u/Gadoire
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Another newbie question.

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 04:09 PM PDT

I didn't see this on the Wiki. My tap water is good quality; low chlorine and clorimine and a very low to undectible ammonia levels. Along with undectible iron and zinc. This is from using the API tested kit.

I've read with seachem prime this will be safe for water changes. Also, if the tap quality changes leaving the "bucket" out for 24 hours to de chlorinate. On the converse no never use tap even if treated.

I have limited access to RO water, before I jump in I want to be prepared and informed on the best decisios to make.

Thank you for the prior insights.

submitted by /u/ChickenFashionShow
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What’s wrong with my goldfish? (More info in comments)

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:26 AM PDT

2 Goldfish in a 5 Gallon Tank

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:26 AM PDT

I recently got a 5 gallon fish tank and, being new to fish care, I got 2 goldfish for it thinking that goldfish were a good beginner fish. After reading, I found that these fish need a much larger tank, but I don't have the means for a larger tank or anywhere else to put them, so what can I do to make their life in this 5 gallon tank as good as possible. They swim a lot now and are quite active so I'm assuming they are doing okay as of now.

submitted by /u/Beautiful_Smell1558
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Egg bound? Keeps swimming into the surface leaves in our pond and staying upside down. I’ve tried very gently massaging but couldn’t see any liquid come out of the vent

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:16 AM PDT

Leaving town for one day/won’t be able to feed fish

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:01 PM PDT

Hello! I will be leaving town Saturday morning (I will feed them) only to return Sunday evening- nobody will be able to go over and feed them Sunday morning for me.. what should I do ? Will they be okay without food for one day (I could feed them Sunday evening)

submitted by /u/Legitlashes3
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Is there a way to test the efficacy of my biological filter?

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:35 AM PDT

Last few water tests have come back with alarmingly high ammonia but 0ppm nitrate and nitrite so I'm thinking that my biological filter isn't doing its job. Is there any way to test it or possibly reseed the bacteria?

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/UniqueName257
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Experience with Water Flow?

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:14 AM PDT

I have a 55g, and I've been fishkeeping 1 year now. I've learned a lot on this wiki, and I feel my fish are finally happy and in a tank that keeps them healthy. One thing I still want to dial in is water flow.

Normally for filtration I use a large sponge filter and a medium filter (with beefy air pump) , and a fluvial 307 on high with an intake and outflow on same side.

I noticed the water in my tank is being mixed really unevenly and quickly, and I wanted to switch some things up. I decided to take out a sponge filter, and now my fish seem to be swimming more slowly (from not being churned up). I'm going to move my canister filter outflow to the other side of the tank (they're currently on the same side), to encourage circular flow in the tank.

Does anyone have other advice on how to maximize my tanks mixing and flow? Do goldfish like calmer water or faster water? Thanks!

Ps.) I'll be monitoring h2O more closely with the filtration changes.

submitted by /u/Gemambulatory
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What’s happening to my oranda? (More in comments)

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:28 AM PDT

Help with sand?

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PDT

So recently I got my hands on a 75 gallon tank. I've been postponing making it because I'm so scared of sand. But I've been wanting to try it for a long time I just now recently got to the means of having it. Any tips or tricks with sand for goldies because I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't even know how to properly put the sand in the tank lol. Anything helps!!!

submitted by /u/SatyrSorcerer
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Question about steam egg (other cooked food) and water change

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:19 AM PDT

After feeding my goldfish steamed egg, should I change the water in the tank immediately? This is due to a pet store owner telling me that if I don't then the leftover food residue will immediately rot and water quality will drop. Thanks for any kind response.

submitted by /u/AmicusProrata
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Need help with tank cycling

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:39 AM PDT

I had just set up our tank, gotten ready to do a fishless cycle (dr Tim's ammonia, and dr. Tim's nitrifying bacteria all purchased and ready to go).

Then my 3 year old called his grandma and showed her the tank. She has a huge pond full of goldfish that breed every spring. So...grandma dropped off 4 tiny goldfish and drove away. Grandma lives far away, and literally doorbell ditched. Can't leave the fish in a baggie, can't get them back to grandma.

So now I'm cycling the tank with fish, which is a terrible plan and I need to figure out how to do it with the least stress on the poor fish. Help!

It's a 10 gallon tank. Four 1" feeder goldfish. Took the heater out and let the tank cool down before I added the fish. Sand on the bottom of the tank. Filter does 80gph. Treated for chlorine. I have a full API test kit. Do we need aquarium salt?

And if you can tell...I'm used to tropical fish, haven't had a goldfish since I was a kid.

submitted by /u/pandoracat479
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Why is my ranchu acting this way? Stress?

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:23 AM PDT

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