Goldfish - Aquariums - I painted a 3d goldfish in resin. Hope you like it :)

I painted a 3d goldfish in resin. Hope you like it :)

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:50 PM PST

Big eyes vs. small eyes

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:40 PM PST

My babies �� can not wait to get them a bigger tank but for now look how cute xx

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

One Pom Pom, one stripe, one pectoral deformed fin (left), and one bent tail. She’s a little asymmetrical and dysfunctional but cute nonetheless!��

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:53 PM PST

My 6 year old Common ����

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:34 AM PST

Could this be ich?

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:14 PM PST

Help! I’ve got some serious questions!

Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:15 AM PST

So, a little background, I have a 4 year old goldfish named Crowley, he is in a 20 gallon tank by himself. I cleaned my tank two days ago as I do every 2 weeks, I did a 20% water change and used all of my usual cleaning supplies (which he was always fine with before) I switched from flakes to pellet food because he was inhaling too much air and it was making him float at the top of the tank constantly. Earlier today he was perfectly fine and swimming around, I fed him a little food to try it out and he swam away and hid, I left him alone and when I came back he was super bloated! I was looking up stuff online and everything is saying it could be dropsy. I'm super worried, but I think I just overfed him. Does anyone else have experience with this? Do pellet foods usually cause bloating? He isn't swimming and is floating at the bottom of the tank. He doesn't have pine-cone scales or anything, just the bloating and the floating at the bottom. Please give advice!

I'm super sorry for asking this, because I know many if not all of you are not vets. I understand that I should look online before coming here (which I did) but I'm desperate. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and (hopefully) answer.

submitted by /u/Nobody4772
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Is this ammonia poisoning or just goldfish depression?

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:04 PM PST

My little oranda is separated from his buddies and all alone in his new 60 gallon home which is still cycling. He won't be alone for long as I have some other fish in quarantine going to join him soon. He was fine and high energy for a couple of days after being separated from his friends and then all the sudden started bottom sitting. Ammonia spiked to .50 and ph was around 7.4 so I did a 50% water change and another 50% 12 hours later + prime both times. I can't tell if this is from the ammonia or maybe he's just depressed. He'll get up to swim for a few seconds when I approach the tank and he is still interested in his food. Should I wait to see if he shows any other symptoms or remove him and quarantine him or what? Buddies won't be ready to join him for a few more weeks. How long does it take fish to recover from ammonia poisoning?? I was hoping the clean water and prime was going to magically improve his behavior but his bottom sitting has only gotten worse! Please help! THANKS

submitted by /u/JDiefy
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How likely are larger goldfish to attack/try to eat smaller goldfish?

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

I am giving my goldfish away to a school my mom works at bc they have a large pond where they keep goldfish as I have learned my goldfish need a much larger habitat than I am able to provide. My concern is I love them very much, and I'd hate to rehome them just for a larger fish to eat them and I know goldfish see pretty much anything smaller than them as food. Is this likely to happen? For reference my goldfish rn are about 4-5 inches long, when I was going to this school there were goldfish that were like, a foot long.

submitted by /u/Defiant_Post5470
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y’all I’m broke but I am so tempted to buy these poor babies and get them this stock tank. What would be the best filter for it???

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:29 AM PST


Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

Nitrate cycled confusion

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:26 PM PST

So I've been testing my water everyday for weeks and my ammonia is 0 nitrite is .25 but my nitrate is still 0. I'm not sure why the nitrates aren't increasing if everything else that was high is now decreased. I haven't changed filter media or anything, just water changes every 4 days. I've added lucky bamboo today but it's been zero since I first set up the tank. I am using an API master kit to test with and set a timer when shaking the nitrate bottles. Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/ConquestGoddess
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Craiglist find!!!!

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:28 AM PST

So I got a 125 gallon tank with a stand and a canister filter for only $350. It was her husband's tank but he cheated and she really didn't know what she was talking about from what I see. I am planning on having 3 ranchus,one Ryukin longtail,a Thai oranda Tricolor and a Butterfly Red and White. Its gonna be heavily planted with some Straight Val, Jungle Val, Duckweed, Amazon swords, Anubias Heterophylla and Java fern its this overstocked or not?? Should I add more plants or take some out or take out some fish. The canister filter is a Fluval 407 Perfomance Canister Filter

submitted by /u/Ladywolf0526
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Goldfish Ich again

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:34 AM PST

My young Oranda Cheese has been getting much worse since his last treatment. I was told that Ich gets a little worse before it gets better, but It's gotten *way* worse. He has white fuzz on almost all of his fins, and the ich seems to have travelled from his fins to his body, where it's been happily spreading. Some of his fins are now a bit bloody, (because of the Ich?). I've been doing literally everything I can to treat Ich, but he's been getting worse and worse. After doing a water change the other day, he tried to hop ship and it looked like he tried to jump out of the tank. The water params might not be the best due to the tank being a little five gallon (my hospital tank) but that's why I've been doing almost daily water changes. I have to move home this weekend, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to continue to care for him this intensely much longer. I'm also afraid the move may stress him out even more, making it even easier for the Ich to spread. I honestly don't know what to do anymore

submitted by /u/RomanFeather
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If I get two 1.5" telescopes for my 20 gallon, how much time before I need a bigger tank?

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:38 PM PST

I'm redoing my 20 gallon tank, getting the water and plants all dialed in for some new buddies. I'm obsessed with the telescope goldfish and have gone to my local fish store to look at them every week or so. Can't get them out of my head. I've done a bunch of research and had to pull some really cute plastic plants out of my tank to make sure they don't poke their sensitive little eyes. I sold my pleco back to the store I got him from since he might suck the slime off my new little friends. I thought I was just about ready to go since the fish store told me that I had plenty of room for two or three telescope fish, but now I'm doing research and it seems like they need way way more space than a 20 gallon. I'm down to upgrade down the line, but I'm wondering if I will be able to wait one to maybe two years before I have to upgrade to a larger tank. I'm having a really hard time figuring out how fast these little buddies grow!

submitted by /u/nomorehoney
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Is my goldfish sleeping?

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

What is this bulb on his left side?

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:53 AM PST

The goldfish at my job! They're in the show tank, so that we can tell people how big they can get! ��

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:37 AM PST

My gold fish laid eggs for the first time, any advice?

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

Help with extra fish

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:48 AM PST

My goldfish had fry in April, I've kept them in a a separate 100 litre tank but as there is 11 of them they are getting quite big now-

Does anybody know anywhere that would take them/rehome/buy them in the UK?

I don't want to end up giving them away to people that won't treat them right

submitted by /u/Joshuayy134
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