Micro Aquatics Just set up my nano tank. Waiting on a larger anubias to arrive for the back.

Just set up my nano tank. Waiting on a larger anubias to arrive for the back.

Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:51 PM PDT

Cycling after a rescape

Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:15 PM PDT

Hi all! So I've been cycling my 2.5 nano tank for 6 weeks now but my hardness was way high due to some poor hardware choices. After some further research, I rescaped and my hardness is down to a normal level. I basically replaced the substrate and stones but the driftwood and the filter is the same. Do I need to wait an additional 6 weeks for the new scape to cycle or is it good to stock with my cherry shrimps? The parameters seem fine with 0 levels nitrates but im afraid of a spike that could kill them! Any advise?

submitted by /u/bigcashley
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