Aquatic Snails These two...

These two...

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:58 PM PDT

Should I be concerned about the fuzzy white sediment stuff on their shell? All water parameters are normal, regular water changes

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:41 AM PDT

I just love my pale pink pearly beauty ��

Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:32 AM PDT

New babies!!!

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:06 AM PDT

Mystery snails indeed: found these little buggers of unknown origin crawling around

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:22 AM PDT

Snails for a Southeast Asian biotope aquarium?

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

I know most snails don't like a Low PH (below 6? Maybe even 5?) but I would like to find a snail that would do well in a blackwater tank. I would love it to be a species native to SE Asia but its ok if it isn't.

I haven't found any snails that I think would thrive in those conditions so if it's not really an option that's fine. If you know of any other invertebrates that would thrive in that habitat I'm a lover of shrimp and crabs as well. Any suggestions at all are greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/_mossgirl
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Is a filtered 1 gallon tank good enough for a snail?

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT

Hi! I just got a 1 gallon hexagon tank with a filter for literally $5 and my first thought was to just make it into a tiny planted tank.

I am wondering if there is any snail that will do well in a 1G tank? My pH is about 7.6, kh 6, gh 7, water temperature goes from 70 in winter to 82 in summer. I have cycled media from my big tank.

I don't want to force it. If no creature will enjoy it - I will keep it plants only.

submitted by /u/Amwo
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Is Charlie pregnant???

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:34 AM PDT

Snail Poop Questions

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:07 AM PDT

Hi all! I have a 2 gallon jarrarium with two snails that have been living here for about two and a half weeks. One nerite, one mystery. They've devoured every last bit of algae that was growing in there, and I've fed them small chunks of veggies every now and then. I have white gravel as my substrate (will never make this mistake again, it gets so filthy) and I've been wondering how best to control/clean the ridiculous amounts of poop the snails produce. I've been sucking up as much as I can when I do water changes, but there is just a LOT of poop. Any advice? Is there a way to clean deeper in the gravel without uprooting my plants? I can post pictures if anyone is interested!

submitted by /u/WorryRock77
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My nerite has had a hole in his shell since I got him (3 months)

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:21 AM PDT

How many mystery snails in a 10 gallon? TL;DR at the end because I can't shut up

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

At the moment I have 1 betta, 1 assassin snail (who probably has never killed a single snail in her life, so I'm not worried), and 2 mysteries. I LOVE them. So I'm wondering, how many mysteries would you recommend in a tank like this?

I'm not planning on breeding them, so no issues with unplanned millions of babies. My betta leaves them alone, as does the assassin snail. I know there's a rule of "one mystery per 5 gallons", but should that be followed? Which I guess is the main question here, since if that's a good rule to follow, I've got all the mysteries I can have!

TL;DR: How many mysteries could I have in a 10 gallon, and is the "1 mystery per 5 gallons" rule true?

submitted by /u/flotsems
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Breeding questions

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:14 AM PDT

So I've recently had a growth in snail population, I have 3 golden mysteries, haven't seen an egg cluster or clutch but I have tons of babies now.

My main question is can they have a clutch under a leaf? Instead of maybe at the tanks water line where they would normally go. I have a pretty small tank and I look at it pretty often to check for snail eggs. Could it be a pond snail infestation? I've had them before thought I nipped in the butt as I havent seen one in weeks.

submitted by /u/Brill_Fryers
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Schrodinger's Snail is recovering - also why is its body two different colors? Is this ammonia burn?

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:25 AM PDT

A small update from my initial post:

The snail that I got is finally starting to come out for a bit longer day by day. This definitely has been one of the more timid snails that Ive gotten and it kind of acts like it came from a tank where it was constantly getting nipped at. Before it'd only move about with its tentacles, stalks, and siphon tucked in it's shell. Today I noticed that it actually had them out and kind of on display so wooooooo. This is a slow recovery but I'm glad we're making progress. Now that it actually wasnt just scooting along with only its foot out and I could actually see the full snail, I noticed its face/some parts of its body and tentacles were dark but then the majority of it is ivory - basically I thought I bought a blue snail but then when it came out it kind of reminded me of a Japanese mystery snail. Is this ammonia burn and is there anything else I can do to speed up its recovery?

Backstory: I bought a snail from the pet store, the majority of them were in there shells minus two that remained at the water line. I bought one that was in the shell and the sales as. said it was probably dead or dying. 4-5 days later

submitted by /u/antaresuwu
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