Crayfish Raoul (Moat) escaped the tank and started wandering my halls as I was making a cup of tea. Excuse the fluff, we were 2 days out from a new hoover

Raoul (Moat) escaped the tank and started wandering my halls as I was making a cup of tea. Excuse the fluff, we were 2 days out from a new hoover

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:32 PM PDT

HELP! My crayfish is carrying eggs and they look like they have fungus on them. What should I do? I’ll post some more backstory in the comments.

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:08 AM PDT

Claws Raised & Held High~~ Praying for more food

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:39 AM PDT

Can’t keep orange dwarf Crays

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

So. I love the look and activity of orange Mexican dwarf crays. Tank is 10gal and has 4 tetras and a nerite snail. There's 3 plants, Montreal Carlo mat and some java moss. Plenty of hiding places (barrel etc). Tank is cycled. Use a fluval c2 with purigen. Water is clear. Ph is 7.1. Water is pretty hard. No copper. Occasionally add excel flourish as it says safe for inverts. Anyways I had my 4th cray pass this am. First I got at lfs. Others I got online. They seem active for a day or so and then turn up dead overnight. I test the water with a kit a lot. Ammonia is zero. Nitrates are safe range to none. I do change 3gal weekly with water treated with Seachem pure. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but about to give up on these which I hate to as they are super interesting. Am I missing something? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Spedmunky
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