Axolotl - Aquariums - My 4 month old is throwing gang signs!! What do I do?? -concerned mother

My 4 month old is throwing gang signs!! What do I do?? -concerned mother

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:44 AM PDT

This came across my Instagram today and I just joined the sub so I figured I’d share.

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:52 AM PDT

Raised white spots on baby axolotl? More in comments, please help

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:25 PM PDT

Smol boy in a coconut

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:12 AM PDT

Recently got to upgrade my tank and I think they’re really digging the verticality

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:27 PM PDT

My 5 month old axis Peridot (GFP Wild) and Julian (Blue axanthic). Having these two has brought so much joy into my life. Also I want to clarify that I do not put the black light on Peridot often at all, just for a cool photo now and then.

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:43 PM PDT

Can someone help I think my axie has ammonia burns and I don’t know how to treat them

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:26 AM PDT

cycling help!!! levels spiked, From left to right its pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Im using Dr Tims Fishless cycling.

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:49 AM PDT

axolotl tank leaking, what do i do?

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

i just took all the water from the tank because the leak was really low and my axolotls in a tub now but.. what now? what do i do? im super worried because i needed to take all the water out and i just recently did a larger water change (barely a week ago) and i dont want to be stressing my baby out too much. how would i start a new tank for him without stressing him out? the good things is that the leak is easily repairable, and ill be looking for some non toxic silicone, but is it a good idea to just look for a new tank entirely? apologies if this is vague or some parts dont make sense, im sleep deprived because of this

submitted by /u/haxelcat
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Recurrent fungus on my female leucistic axy

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:49 PM PDT

Water parameters: 0/0/40-80, don't know about PH. My tap water runs at 20ppm nitrate and I live in an apartment so I can't install an RO unit or anything. I use Seachem Prime as dechlorinator.

I have two axolotls in two separate tanks - same filter model, same decor, same everything. The first time they got fungus was when they were in the same tank.

I've only had recurring issues with the female, this is the fourth time she's had fungus on the tip of her gill, abd tonight when I picked her up to ace her back in her tank I think she had a bit on her body, my hand definitely felt slimier than normal after picking her up. The male has had no fungus since the second time, when I added medicine to the tanks. They did both go through a slight cycle crash after that.

I'm totally stumped as to why this keep happening - I keep indian almond leaves in the tanks, treat her mainy with tea baths, and the only water issue I've had other than nitrate is that they both get a decent biofilm I have to remove from the top with a net (my tanks have no substrate because I'm not comfortable with them living on sand, may try tile soon). I don't understand why it's only recurring with the female - neither of them have ever showed any signs of stress or other illness. She ate tonight just fine.

Does anyone have any tips to get rid of this once and for all?

submitted by /u/Quothhernevermore
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A few days old to 2 months old

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:23 PM PDT

Cleaning axolotl tank- particles in water.

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

Hey guys. I apologise that this may seem a bit silly to you all, but please humour me.

Whenever I clean my axies tank, there's always bits of stuff/particles that I just can't get rid of. I get rid of any poop, food waste, and any large bits of muck...but I can never get all of these little bits that end up settling on the bottom of the tank. I know it's impossible to get the tank spotless, but it just drives me insane. It takes me around 2 hours to clean his tank and I always end up feeling defeated and like it isn't clean enough. I know my expecting to be able to clean every tiny little particle is ridiculous, but after the health issues my boy had early this year I tend to overthink every little thing when it comes to him. He's as happy as can be, has a good appetite and doesn't ever appear to be stressed. His tank water is clear and the parameters are good. So I suppose I'm just looking for reassurance that just because I can't clean every tiny bit of stuff from his tank, that it's not bad for him or going to affect him?

Thank you for hearing me out. I know it's probably very silly.

submitted by /u/allieelle
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What do you use to introduce ammonia into a new tank?

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:35 AM PDT

Impacted, constipated, or worse?

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:37 PM PDT

Downriver Mi looking for Axolotl

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:16 PM PDT

Are there any available that might need a home?

submitted by /u/bacon_n_megs87
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Axolotl not eating

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:37 AM PDT

Toothless is 3 1/2 inches he will look at the worms I put in his tub and just not eat them. He hasn't eaten in about a week. If anyone could help me I would love that. He normally eats red wrigglers

submitted by /u/StunterII
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Plants for ‘lotls

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:01 PM PDT

Hello! I had to get a second tank because it turns out one of my 'Lotls are male, yay! I was thinking I might try my hand at some plants,my aquarium is bare bottom(well tile) any recommendations for easy low maintenance plants that can survive my water pup and bare bottom? If you have care tips on the plants as well that's a bonus! Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/get-creative
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Hey guys.

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:02 PM PDT

My axolotl has been rather thin lately so I've decided to start feeding him wax worms! Is this a good idea?

submitted by /u/Yaboyguzmas
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