Aquatic Koi Losing an entire pond to KHV.

Losing an entire pond to KHV.

Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:17 PM PDT

Recently in a pond of over 20 Koi some of which we have kept for over 15 years with multiple fish exceeding 35 inches in length. We have had an outbreak of KHV.

As of right now there are only 6 fish left alive and it is simply heartbreaking to witness.

The virus itself has a mortality rate of up to 100% and is incurable apart from adjusting the temp of the water there is no way to fight it and all this method does is potentially give the fish longer to fight the virus.

It is very likely that the other fish will not survive and if any do they will remain as carriers of the virus for the rest of their lives and can then pass it on to any new fish added to the pond.

The virus enters the pond through 2 methods.

Firstly new fish. 2 new fish were added 2 months ago, however came from a very well respected supplier.

The pond that the fish came from had literally hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of fish in.

To assume that the virus therefore came from this place is in my eyes unlikely, especially as their quarantine methods are exceptional and from the research I have done have had no previous cases of the virus.

Also the timescale doesn't match.

The most likely cause of the virus being transmitted was from ironically someone who was supposed to be looking after the fish.

An independant expert who has the ability to perform complex surgeries on the fish and carry out full health checks of the pond came to do an inspection 2 weeks ago. He again is very well respected and known in the UK hobby and has clients fly him around Europe to care for their fish.

The virus can also easily be transmitted from waders, nets, clothing etc.

Upon informing the supplier about the problem we were having they notified us the the fish expert in question has had 2 other known cases of the virus appearing in clients ponds. Take that comment with a pinch of salt of course but I genuinely believe them. If the virus came from there pond they would be having mass deaths of fish worth £15,000 each located in the pond where our 2 new fish were.

Overall it is just tragic to witness fish that have existed for decades becoming victims of an awful virus.

I just wrote this post to spread awareness and educate.

submitted by /u/Azzy341
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Gallons per Koi

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:18 AM PDT

Hi. I'm new to keeping koi and I want to know what's the advisable gallon of water per koi to make sure good water quality and healthy fishes? I have 18in koi. I've tried searching online but I get different answers. Hoping someone with experience will clarify this for me. Thanks!

submitted by /u/opawsama
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found this soft shell in my yard you guys think it’s safe to put with my koi’s

Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:29 AM PDT

Releasing koi with one hand and filming with the other went pretty bad..

Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:16 AM PDT

My all white koi baby “Sally Cinnamon” looks like she is going to have a perfect orange spot on its head!

Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:35 AM PDT

When You Do A Water Change Do You Use The Discarded Water To Irrigate Your Gardens? That Nutrient-Rich Water Is What My Plants Love!!

Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:08 AM PDT

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