Micro Aquatics Question about filter in dirted tank

Question about filter in dirted tank

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:20 PM PDT

Hi everyone! I am super new to aquarium keeping, just started a 7 gallon cube with lots of plants (no livestock yet, but I want to add shrimp in a few weeks). I tried my best to follow the Walstad method by using organic soil, a sand/gravel cap, and heavy planting. I currently have a Dymax Slim Flo filter running to create water movement. However, I read in a few places that a carbon filter isn't great for planted tanks. I'm having a hard time determining whether this filter cartridge contains carbon...most sites selling it simply describe it as "filter media". Can someone help me figure this out? And if it is carbon, is there another material I can put in the filter to replace the cartridge? Thanks!

submitted by /u/cedarrwaxwing
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These equipments costs more than my tank itself... well its worth it, lets unbox then.

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:39 AM PDT

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