Crayfish Proud of my sons new color after molting

Proud of my sons new color after molting

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

Age question

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:34 PM PDT

How old do blue crayfish have to be before they can lay eggs?

submitted by /u/Sinner0612
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DIY - NightCrawler Farm - Great Crayfish Treat!

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:05 PM PDT

How do I cook for a crayfish

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:50 PM PDT

I read that crayfish can eat cerrots cucumbers peas and more I would like to feed my crayfish these things but I don't know how to properly cook it for them

submitted by /u/marcepan82
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Got a surprise when i got home from work.

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT

Hey I have one electric blue crayfish in a ten gal and I want to get get him a female can I put them both in the ten gal or should I get a bigger one

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:43 PM PDT

Male or female?¿

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:41 PM PDT

Wondering about a crayfish at my LFS

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:32 PM PDT

Hey community! I've been getting crays from my LFS for a while now. They get theirs from a wholesaler and I'm pretty sure that they don't know much about their care. One of their crays (it's blue, so I assume it's alleni) is almost all white. It has really light blue on its shell but it's super faded. Whenever I go into the store it's sitting in the same corner barely moving, but it's still alive. I've been thinking about this cray a lot and am just wondering if that's normal at all? I've seen her like 3 times but I haven't been back in a while because I'm broke >.<

submitted by /u/banaubrey
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Anyone know what type this boys is, was listed incorrectly at the local store.

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:32 AM PDT

Help! What's happening with my crayfish?

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:54 AM PDT

I've been growing my australian red claws (Cherax quadricarinatus) for a couple months, and everything has been fine. Today I noticed weird yellowish swelling on the tails of two females. Normally their tails are completely flat, so this worries me. Are they ill? I found a lot of crayfish illnesses and symptoms on the internet, but none looked like this.

I use a custom-made recirculating system, water pH is 7, temperature is 27C (80.6F). A UV lamp is used for water disinfection every other day. I feed newly hatched crayfish with aulophorus worms, and grown-ups eat fish/plants/vegetables. Can provide more info if needed.

Any help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Substantial-Cress-10
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What is this white thing on the crack? Is this a sign of molting?

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:23 AM PDT

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