Goldfish - Aquariums - My biggest baby Turrell.

My biggest baby Turrell.

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:57 PM PDT

Raining on Koi and the Gang. A rainstorm viewed from a fish’s perspective

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

My goldfish I have had for 8 years! got him at a fair my freshman year of high school. His name is Seneca

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:53 PM PDT

After finding Oso stuck under the rocks the other morning. Ive just cleaned the filter out and when I restarted it tonnes of babies came out of nowhere. I got some out the tank and put into a fry tub but more and more keep appearing everywhere in the tank. Lets hope some survive this time.

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:52 AM PDT

New tank set up- please tell me I'm good before I move forward, lots of questions! :)

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT


So I have a 40 gal tank. I previously had a tropical community tank in there, which lasted about a year before it all spiraled downward into a choatic nightmare of fish incompatibilities and me sobbing as they killed each other, and nothing worked right. Of course even after lots of research and consulting with my LFS, I only find out about these potential issues after the fact.

So after many months of an empty tank, I'm starting over. I know I want to house 2 fancy gold fish. I'm not sure what breed yet. Maybe lionheads, ryukins, or ranchus, something eye catching that's not too TOO fragile. I'm having trouble finding information about the differences between each breed as far as their needs/care/etc. Any advice?

Here is what I plan to purchase for my 40 gal tank:

Aquaclear 110 power filter (pumps 500 gal/hr)

20-40 lbs Carib Sea Naturals Peace River sand (grains are large sand, much smaller than gravel, came recc by a few gold fish blogs)

A large piece of drift wood from LFS

I have a large collection of silk plants from various betta tanks and my last tank. I also have an air stone (do gold fish like those?) I also have Prime water conditioner, if thats OK to use with goldfish for water changes.

Is there anything I'm missing, or that you would do differently?

TIA! This subreddit has been very helpful so far

submitted by /u/Grass-is-dead
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Was just given an old Goldfish that was going to be abandoned and looking for advice

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:29 AM PDT

Images of the guy + tank here:

Hi all,

I have never owned a fish before, but I have found myself suddenly adopting one. A local school that I've got connections to is closing for an unknown amount of time thanks to Covid-19 and their Kindergarten class had a goldfish that has an unknown future with the school closing with no one to take care of it. I ended up being the one to volunteer to take it as they were looking for a permanent owner.

Looking on advice to give him the best life possible. I really have no idea about this stuff, but I'm happy to learn and do my best. He's apparently at least 9 years old as that was the longest time staff members tenure and he was around when they started. I could get him a bigger tank but I am somewhat limited to what my landlord refers to as a "reasonable" size. He has a filter running right now, the fake rocks and gravel and some fake plants. They gave me water conditioner and instructions on how to wash the tank and use the conditioner / refill it along with some generic flake gold fish food. Thanks for any advice in advance!

submitted by /u/data_err0r
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Is my oranda’s crown too big? (details in comments)

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

Cleaned my goldfishes tank yesterday and he is now staying in the bottom corner of the tank and not moving much. However he does still eat. What’s wrong?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:33 PM PDT

Quickest way to set up new tank?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:20 PM PDT

I inherited two lil cutie bubs, a comet and a common, and their tank is way too small. I've got a new tank for them but I don't have pure ammonia to start a cycle. I want to get them into a bigger space as soon as I can because they are so cramped and I love them and I want them to be happy.

Is there any way to speed up the cycling process so I can get them into their new digs on the double? Three weeks seems to be the shortest timeframe I can expect according to my web search—and that's IF I can get the cycle going just using stability and saving changed water, which is all I have right now (no pet stores nearby and delivery times are unreliable due to pandemic).

I would love to move them sooner if I can. Ideas? Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Artisht
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What happened to Solid Gold Aquatics?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

Anyone know why she disappeared?

submitted by /u/KYKY132
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Sick goldfish - need suggestions!

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:14 PM PDT

I have a white goldfish that I won at a carnival about 4 years ago. I've maintained him by just keeping the tank clean all this time. Below is a schedule of issues that I've had recently. 10 gallon tank, one gold fish, no plants, one air bubbler. Always changed with tap water with a water conditioner.

Thursday - cleaned tank, but broke the tank and had to buy a new tank, gravel, filter (I realize the mistake of wiping the bacteria out now)
Saturday - He would only sit on the bottom of the tank. Went to Petco and they suggested bacteria starter. Started swimming again almost right away.
Sunday - Eyes started to get cloudy.
Monday - Returned to Petco - they recommended aquarium salt. I put in 2 teaspoons like they said. Eyes appeared to start to clear up.
Tuesday - As suggested by Petco - changed 20% water adding 1/2 teaspoon of aquarium salt.
Wednesday - Eyes became worse - went to Petco with water sample. They said nitrates and ammonia were high but to let water sit for the day.
Thursday (today) - Based off Petco recommendations - 15% water change, added 5ML aquarium salt, 1mm water conditioner, 1 teaspoon bacteria starter. They recommend another water test in 3-5 days.

His eyes are becoming worse. He can't see. They are completely covered and becoming almost 3D like and growing outwards each day. I went to PetSmart and they said they would not have recommended anything different. I asked Petco about medication for bacteria- they said that I would have a higher chance of killing him because I would have to remove the filter and the ammonia is already high and that he might not have enough air as medicine takes air out of the water?

I'm debating doing a major water change and almost starting over with water and those chemicals, but don't want to throw him in shock.

Should I be doing anything different?

submitted by /u/laur727
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My black moor is beginning to get aggressive with my other fish any advice on what to do? ( getting new tank soon )

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:23 AM PDT

New tail growth is grey/black? Is that okay?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:33 AM PDT

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