Goldfish - Aquariums - Sprinkles says hi from her quarantine :D For the first time, we get to quarantine together!

Sprinkles says hi from her quarantine :D For the first time, we get to quarantine together!

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

Look at this chonker

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:31 PM PDT

Can’t remember if I fed them at lunch. Groucho says no, but she can’t be trusted.

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

Help treating some bad fin rot

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:33 PM PDT

Hey guys, I'm hoping some of you on here may be able to help/suggest some ways of treating fin rot (and regrowing tails) in fancy goldfish. I have a couple Fan Tails and some Black Moore's in a 55 gallon tank(don't worry, they're about to be sized up).This tank has been established for about 1 1/2 years now and I've had no recent additions. I recently went on a two week long trip and came back to find that their tails looked really bad. I've done a 25% water change every couple days, and added both salt and melafix. The condition of their tails has stayed the same—they don't seem to be improving, but they're not getting worse. :( they all seem happy, and are still eating and swimming around a bunch. If anyone knows what I should be changing/adding in, some advice would be great!

submitted by /u/--Kiba--
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Finished this stand for a 90gal bowfront. Now time to start scapeing!

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:18 PM PDT

My fish ate his friend and now he’s not feeling well

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:40 PM PDT

I have this fish named Big Boy, I've had him for 3 years and he was won at a fair. He's lived in some pretty rough tank conditions over the years because he used to be my brothers but now he's mine. I'm a college student so i'm constantly moving with him and he's always been quite resilient. A couple weeks ago my brother threw a couple minnows in the tank and I thought nothing of it. Mind you Big Boy is in fact a BIG boy. I haven't been home but apparently a day or two the minnows died and he ate one of the dead ones. Now he's acting funny, not eating and spitting pebbles as usual, laying on the bottom of the tank. He has lived with other fish before and he has been known to make a couple disappear so I wasn't surprised when i heard the news. His fins seem very close to his body. When you interact with him he's very energetic and will follow you but eventually sinks back down and just lays at the bottom. I changed his water 50% but don't know what else to do to help. Any advice?

TLDR; My asshole brother threw minnows in a tank with my large goldfish. Both of the minnows died when I wasn't home and apparently he ate one. Now he's laying at the bottom of the tank and acting funny. Help.

submitted by /u/elltotx
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Just upgraded them from an 80l (just over 20 gallons) to a well deserved 240l (just over 60 gallons). Going to spend this quarantine time planning a nice aquascape for them!

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:25 AM PDT

Ill Goldfish Advice

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:33 AM PDT

Hello there! I am in sort of a peculiar situation. My little sister has a three-year-old comet goldfish at home. Until recently, I was out of the state for college and hence did not see or take care of her fish much. But due to COVID-19, I am at home for a while. Since this is the case, I have noticed that for the past week the goldfish seems to not be doing well. She is staying either at the top or bottom of the tank, and is frequently flashing around her tank. I was really concerned about this since I know this is not proper behavior for fish. I decided to measure pH levels and ammonia levels and found that pH was low (around 6.0) and ammonia was very high (around 3.0). By talking to my sister, I have realized that she never set up a biofilter/allowed beneficial bacteria to grow before putting the goldfish in her tank. As such, ammonia has been building up. As such, I am really at a loss for what to do. Is there a way I can set up bacteria when the goldfish is already in the tank? Does anyone have any advice for how to make the goldfish's tank situation better without hurting her due to shock? Any advice would be great.

submitted by /u/kamo27
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Goldfish floating uncontrollably and going upside down??

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:55 PM PDT

Dark spot on left gill?

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:40 PM PDT

Anyone have pictures of Ryukin/Black moor or telescope eye mixes?

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:38 AM PDT

Hi! We have three 19 day old surprise babies who are very healthy and quite adorable! (Thought our adults were both male, nope.) I'm curious about how they'll look in the future, so I was wondering if anyone else has older Ryukin/Black Moor or Telescope eye mixes? They're growing quite fast since there's only three, so they have basically no competition over food. It's so crazy how just a bit ago the baby brine shrimp were nearly too big, but now they're so tiny in comparison! They're nearly an inch big (tail included), and two seem to have more of the Ryukin stomach height, while the third is slightly longer with our Moor's body shape. Thanks for any photos or information on how they may turn out!

EDIT: Here are some photos of our babies!

submitted by /u/Tsukikoi
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Our fancy has a rip in his tail, only just noticed and don’t know how it happened. Do we need to do anything or will it heal by itself?

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

Is something wrong with his tail fin? He has difficulty staying horizontally and first we thought it was a bladder issue, but then we noticed that his tail fin is always sort of bend.

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:04 AM PDT

Is this ich? Parameters are normal, fish is eating and acting fine. Did my weekly water changes yesterday.

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

Recurring Constipation Problems

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:20 AM PDT

I need some advice on what to do about my common goldfish. He's a rescue from a bad situation, only had him about a month. This is the second time he has gotten constipated - trailing feces, lethargic, signs of swim bladder issues like pointing downwards.

Water is good, no ammonia, about 7.2 pH, no detectable nitrates or nitrites. Medium hardness at 75. No chlorine. Alkalinity between 40 and 80.

I read online that peas help but I have none and getting them will be difficult in this lockdown.

He has live plants that he nibbles on...mostly water lettuce.

I normally feed them once per day...the cyclops frozen food. (Only a piece of one. It's a lot of food for so few fishes.)

He's in a tank with 3 rice fish and 3 albino corys. They all look healthy and happy.

I'm thinking tomorrow I might skip a day feeding to see if it helps and make sure it isn't an overeating issue. Anything else I should try?

submitted by /u/GQ_struggle_sausage
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