Goldfish - Aquariums - My Squishes loving their clean tank!

My Squishes loving their clean tank!

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PST

This little piglet

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:44 AM PST

Goldfish Diagnosis (work in progress)

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PST

Nom nom nom nom

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:40 AM PST

[UPDATE] Goldfish gasping at top of tank, more in comments

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PST


Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:54 PM PST

Best effective way to get rid of ich? Already pumped up the temp to 70-75 degrees which got rid of the spots on my oranda's wen but the ryukin and black one have spots still �� *also yes my black goldfish does have a swimming bladder issue, that's how she's always been

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:08 PM PST

Very very jealous

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:54 PM PST

Advice on what this large white spot on my Black Moors tail could be? He was being bitten by some other fish in the store before I got him around 2 months ago but the damage seems to be healing very slowly. Tank conditions are looking great and my other fish is completely fine. Thanks in advance!!

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:49 AM PST

Aquascaping, big rocks, live plants, goldfish & tank maintenance

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:39 AM PST

Aquascaping, big rocks, live plants, goldfish & tank maintenance

So, after a lot of occasional thought, a small amount of research & after seeing a video on YouTube "How To: Planted Goldfish Aquarium Tutorial - The Ranchu Crew" about using live plants with goldfish I finally decided now is the time to try it, it can't get any worse, can it?

I really like the look achieved in the video (basically a large rock island with plants in it) but I have a few questions & I don't know if any of you marvellous fish folk can answer them. My main concern with this type of setup is maintenance. If I can successfully grow these plants & if the fish (2 comets not ranchu's) don't destroy them, how the hell do I keep it clean?

Most of my time cleaning at the moment is not just replacing water, it's moving around small rocks & plastic plants to clean them & most importantly, to clean under them. It's shocking how the bottom of the tank can look relatively poop free, but move a small fake moss ball & a whirlpool of s**t emerges & engulfs half of the tank (slight exaggeration, but there is a LOT) & this is with twice weekly cleaning & two canister filters running.

So if I have live plants I won't have to clean them at least & I'm hoping I can get something to outcompete algae (duckweed? I know it'll be eaten but my understanding is it's fast growing?) so I won't have to clean rocks anymore, but! what about the poop that currently gathers under small ornaments? If I build a magnificent looking pile of stones with plants anchored to them, how on Earth do I clean under them & prevent this build up? In a dream world I'm imagining I won't have to because the plants will use these deposits as nutrients & it won't matter, but I can't believe that would be the case? Also, if I do have to move the rocks with every clean, surely this would damage the plants?

One thing I don't have & I'm not sure if it would help with settling debris, is a spray bar, it looks like the video is suggesting that a spray bar pushing the water at the surface from one side to the other will prevent settling on the bottom, but this seems too good to be true (& wouldn't the rocks trap it?) if I did get a spray bar how would that work with my two filters? One pushing towards the other & the other one pointing down perhaps? Apologies for the plethora of questions, I just want to get this right.

After keeping these fish for almost five years & graduating from a 60ltr to a 250ltr tank it's been a pretty big commitment & it's about time I started enjoying it. I don't mind the work if I get results, it's just not great spending big chunks of your evenings & weekends polishing a turd. The pic shows the turd in question, it it's current form, scratched glass & everything. My hope, is that if I can build something really nice the fish will be happier (though they seem ok tbh) & it will draw the eye away from the damage so I will be happier, even if it's a lot of work.

I'm looking at starting with Java ferns, duckweed & maybe moss balls, but any suggestions (including 'it's not worth it') will be carefully considered & appreciated

submitted by /u/Mr_Deps
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In need of some advice!

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:47 AM PST

On Monday the guy who sold me his tank gave me his fish, at least two of them I could tell straight away were unwell and the biggest of the two was pineconing. I separated it and another fish (who was really lathargic too but wasn't pineconing) into a hospital tank and started dropsy treatment. I gave the first treatment on the Monday evening and by Wednesday morning the pineconing stopped and both fish started to swim about more, reacted to food and me when I was in the same room or near the tank and seemed happier. The treatment required 2 doses one on day 1 and one on day 4 (yesterday) and they keep doing better and better. I know I can't put them into the tank yet but how long until it should be safe to add them in?x

submitted by /u/Mama_Saurus
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