Goldfish - Aquariums - My baby has pretty bad swim bladder issues and he likes to swim into the plants so he doesn’t float at the top all day. What a goofy boy

My baby has pretty bad swim bladder issues and he likes to swim into the plants so he doesn’t float at the top all day. What a goofy boy

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:48 PM PDT

Meet Stardust, my chubby short tail calico ranchu.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:28 AM PDT

Breakfast Time

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:24 PM PDT

My ryukin and telescope tank!

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:45 PM PDT

Enjoying their breakfast

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 05:46 AM PDT

How to move six inch koi and common/comets?

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:54 AM PDT

My wife and I recently bought a new home, and are scratching our heads on how to move roughly 10 koi, 15 common, and 10 comet goldfish. Which vary in size most of our koi and commons are about 6-7inchs with almost all my comets at roughly 4-5 inch's. Buckets are out of the question due to my size fish, and I am unable to find any suitable storage bin with lids for them. I'm moving roughly 600 miles away to our new home. Which is about 9 hours drive if I leave at midnight.

Either way, does anyone know of an affordable storage bin that is safe for large fish? I want them to be be comfortable since they'll definitely be stressed moving that large of a distance.

submitted by /u/DirtyMike162
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Has this gorgeous girl got Ich? Any advise gratefully received!

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 05:06 PM PDT

Introduced Sperry to my tank this weekend, I love his pattern!

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:15 AM PDT

Evening in with my girl

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:26 PM PDT

[UPDATE again] goldfish gasping at top of tank

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:44 PM PDT

After i put more another bubbler in the tank, she was good for the night but when i woke up in the morning, she was back at it again. Tested the waters, Nitrite: 0 and ammonia: 0 (i do not have a nitrate test kit yet it is coming in the mail soon) and i had just done a water change earlier so the water should be great. The older goldfish (cookie) hasn't been acting strange at all, her behavior hasn't changed since we got her. Salmon, the problem fish, still gasps but not as much? I've started to slowly add aquarium salt to help with their gill function currently.

Could salmon possibly have an internal gill problem? She was not doing this when we got her, at least i never noticed. The other fish never does this, so i'm starting to believe that there is enough oxygen in the tank.

We also only feed sinking pellets so it doesn't make sense that is a habit for her to search the top for food.

other post to see bubblers:

submitted by /u/roxyh811
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Why do they keep laying on the ground. They use to not too

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:43 AM PDT

Potential Fungal Infection on New Fish

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:51 PM PDT

Hello all!

Firstly, images here:

Water Parameters and Tank Specs:

Size: 55 gallon

Stock: 4 Bubble eyes (2.5in to 3.5in). Introduced to tank yesterday afternoon.

Decor: Sand substrate, smooth rocks (large).

Filtration: 2 Aquaclear 40/70g (total of 600gph). Each has a prefilter sponge and is baffled for the safety and comfort of the fish.

Params: 72°F, 0ppm Ammonia, 0ppm Nitrite, 5ppm-10ppm Nitrate, 7.5ish pH. Cycled using Tetra Safestart and media from established tanks. Treated with Prime.

Tank has been set up for about two weeks.

Issue: All fish were purchased from a LFS and placed in the tank yesterday afternoon. I let them settle (no food yet), and just watched. I noticed one of the fish (smallest white one) was an intermittent bottom sitter, but I wasn't too concerned. Because I kept the lighting dimmed, I was unable to thoroughly examine the fish, but I didn't notice any signs of distress (no gulping or heavy breathing, no clamped fins, etc.).

This morning, I watched the fish for a while with the light, and noticed the small white one still has a tendency to bottom sit more than the other three, but actively swims around more often than not, explores, etc. Their behavior isn't too concerning to me, but I noticed that the one intermittent bottom sitter has the most pronounced white "stuff" on his tail. There is one additional fish that has similar white "stuff" on his tail in the exact same spot, though it isn't quite as large. The remaining two fish (the most active and largest of the bunch) do not appear to have any issues whatsoever (one has an old tail injury, but nothing currently a problem).

It's been a while since I've had goldfish, so I want to make sure I'm not missing anything, and also get folks' opinions. At the moment, I have removed the carbon from the filters and am treating with Melafix and Pimafix (I know they're tea water, but it's all I have on hand that might help. I also have some Furan-3 and Kanaplex, but I don't see any reason to use antibiotics for suspected fungus). I have ordered some Methylene-Blue, and will begin treating with that tomorrow when it arrives. I do have some aquarium salt (both "salt for fresh water treatment," and some good ol' Instant Ocean) if anyone thinks that is worth trying (I'm hesitant to use that because it's more of a pain to get out of the tank).

Any thoughts, suggestions, etc. would be appreciated! Bubble eyes are my favorite fish, so I'd like to help them out as much as possible.

submitted by /u/Nephrite-Jade
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What’s wrong with my fish?

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PDT

Some photos here

We have some goldfish in an outdoor pond in Ireland.

One of them has always had this little bubble on the tail but it's gotten much bigger. Wondering if he's in trouble or if there is anything I can do to help him.

He doesn't seem to be struggling with it, he's just as fast and fit as all the other fish in the pond from what I can see.

submitted by /u/yanoyermanwiththebig
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New fish missing/hiding in a creened in pond?

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:09 AM PDT

Yesterday I added about 20 common goldfish to my pond that's in a screen enclosure. After several hours I saw less and less, and now I only see 4 fish.

The pond is lined with big and Little Rock's, so it's possible they could be hiding, but is that likely? Do goldfish do that?

The only other thing I can think of is if the cover on the pond pump is sucking them in. If fish were sucked into the pump and went through the waterfall, would I see any evidence? Or would they just be ground up by the impeller? Sorry if that's too graphic.

I'm so confused! It's like they just disappeared! The screen prevents predators so it can't be that.


submitted by /u/nomoresillydaydreams
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