Aquatic Koi Leaving my koi

Leaving my koi

Posted: 20 Mar 2020 08:28 AM PDT

I moved 5 hours away from my koi by car, l lived in the city. I evacuated without them. I miss those little shits so bad.

I'm scared they will die without food or from ammonia. I don't have anyone to look after them and they are locked in my garden.

It's not too warm yet, still 8-9 degrees Celsius. I gave them a little Holiday slow release block of food before I left.

I don't know if I should go and get them and risk a 5 hour car journey with them to bring them here, or should I go down in a month and check on them, feed, clean pond. Risk being locked down.

I know it's not worth the danger of a city to save koi. I guess.

What do you think? Please just be honest I won't do anything without thinking hard about it. What are the risks?

The pond is too small for them I was mid pond building. They are 2 years old butterfly koi, 4 of them. Bob, Jane, Freddie, mr Bannanas.

I am in the U.K. no lockdowns. No restrictions yet.

ETA I know people are more important than fish, my family are all safe currently. I have perspective but my fish were a thing I loved and I cared about them a lot. They made me happy at a time I was depressed.

submitted by /u/Cockwombles
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