Goldfish - Aquariums - Tosakin from last season

Tosakin from last season

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:06 PM PST

I got a photo of my buddy during his breakfast last month looking like the drawings of fish I used to do when I was little

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:58 AM PST

HELP!!My goldfish was always a very happy boi, swimming around his tank, greeting me etc. Until a few days back i noticed hes very lethargic and spending almost all day in the bottom of the tank. Worried, i went to the store and bough API general cure and did my first dosis today.

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

I think my fish is gaining pigment on his see-through gill cover. I assumed it would always be transparent

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:31 PM PST

Advice after death

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:01 PM PST

Hi guys,

Had an unexpected death in the tank just now. Took a nap after work at 4 EST, woke up an hour and a half later to a dead goldie. Took my 4 remaining goldfish out and I am beginning water tests and change. (today was their 1 week water change anyway) Just checked ammonia and everything looked good, and am in the middle of moving onto the others. Advice on what to look for as far as other problems? TBH I haven't have a fish death yet in the current tank, and it kinda freaks me out.

UPDATE: all levels look good. I have no clue why this fish died.

submitted by /u/Regalbeagle1988
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New small goldfish chasing other goldfish

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

My new goldfish (2cm) is chasing my other goldfish (5cm).

He has been in for around an hour and has just starting to chase the other one, how long do I leave it before I remove him from the tank or is there anything I can do.

I fed him before introducing him to the tank and introduced him slowly.

I am worried he's stressing my other fish out.

submitted by /u/Rosierawrberry
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Very Sick Goldfish - Please Help

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:22 PM PST

Two comets, about three inches long, in a five gallon tank. I'm more than aware that isn't enough space but I took these two in from a family that was no longer caring for them and due to my personal situation I cannot get them more space.

The fancy one has always gotten constipated easily and I've always treated that with boiled peas/withholding flakes. No problems there. Almost a month back he jammed himself between the filter/wall while I was sleeping, no idea how long he was there but he was barely breathing when I woke up. Seemed fine afterwards, but he was having difficulty swimming more often, jammed himself up there a couple more times so I put a long rock in place to block off the gap. This upset him and he threw himself against the rock hard enough his head was bleeding. So I removed the rock.

Things have been down-spiraling from there; I assumed it was really bad constipation/swim bladder issues and have been treating it as such for the past week or two, but his condition has worsened and he reminds me more of a goldie that died of whirling disease. When he actually swam he had the characteristic corkscrew movements. Mostly he lays on his side in a very arched position and barely breathes. I also noticed that his tail fins are cleanly ribboned. His fins are alert/not clamped though.

Firstly - as far as I know there's nothing I can do to help at this point. But please correct me if I'm wrong.

Secondly - Should I isolate the two? I have a five gallon bucket that one can be kept in, though I'm not sure which one should go where. The healthy goldfish nibbles everything she comes in contact with including the other goldfish.

Finally - Aside from space (I am trying my hardest to get a bigger tank), where did I go wrong? The fish are fed lettuce, peas, and flakes. Full tank water changes occur biweekly. I am unable to test the ammonia/nitrate/etc. levels of the water but it's been nearly smooth sailing up til this point. I have no idea how old the fish are but I've had them since last May and I know they were carnival prizes.

ETA: I realize I don't have enough information for proper diagnosis/advice. Mostly I just need to know whether to isolate the fish or not.

submitted by /u/Draphiaro
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Fancies and comets

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

Hi there! I know the general rule is to not mix them buuuuuut if I know they are slower and make sure they get their food can I do it? I have 2 small comets now and would love to add a rollier goldie to the family

submitted by /u/whitlash2010
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My little guy (who has yet to be named, actually) has had this adorable wonky face since I got him a few weeks ago. It doesn’t seem to bother him at all - he eats normally and doesn’t seem to be in distress. I’m inclined not to worry about it, but is there anything I should do?

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

What is this? It’s mainly around his wen. Could this be Ick?

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:36 PM PST

Shrinking telescope eye - what's going on?

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:05 PM PST

Link shows photos of when I first got him in September, a few months later I was away for a few days for work, came back to him looking a mess.

Learned the Ryukin/Oranda mix I have decided he would eat his wen. So he now lives in the sump.

His wen & fins looked horrible, but his eyes looked fine. It's been about a month now, his wen & fins are healing nicely, however one of his eyes seem to be shrinking by the day.

Thoughts on this?

He lives in a 100g w/55 sump, 7 goldfish total, 5 in the display, 2 in the sump.

Two water changes of 50% a week. Ammonia, Nitrite always test 0, Nitrate 20-40 depending on how close water change day is. 7.2-7.6ph.

He is acting completely normal, eating well. His eyes were so perfectly symmetric before, makes me so sad to see this.

submitted by /u/LetsDoThisAhyeady
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Newb UV question. V

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:11 AM PST

Hello, I bought a pretty nice pond filter but I'm running it as an indoor canister filter for my 125g aquarium.

Recently, the UV sterilizer bulb burnt out. Now, when I bought this canister filter it was advertised to use a 13w UV bulb. So I ordered a new 13w bulb but when I took the old bulb out of the filter, it was actually a 9w bulb. The 13w can't fit becuase its too long.

What I want to know, it will the fixture in my filter be ok to power a 13w bulb instead of the 9w? I ordered a longer quarts tube. The 13w bulb fits.

Also, I'm unsure how to test it. Can I just turn it on for a few seconds while wearing some sunglasses and try not to look at it directly? How dangerous are these things.

The filter is a Jebao cbf-1000.

submitted by /u/Matacks607
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