Betta Fish Aquariums - [AUTOPOST] CARESHEET, WIKI & WEEKLY HELP POST - February 10 to February 17

[AUTOPOST] CARESHEET, WIKI & WEEKLY HELP POST - February 10 to February 17

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:33 AM PST

Welcome to r/bettafish!

Click this link to view our CARESHEET

Quick synopsis of caresheet:

  • Minimum tank size is 5 gallons (about 20 liters) for a regular sized betta, and 10 gallons (about 40 liters) for a king/giant betta

  • Bettas need an adjustable heater and a thermometer to ensure water temperature stays between 78-82°F or about 26-28°C

  • Bettas need a cycled tank- this requires a filter

  • Bettas need silk or live plants and hidey holes with no sharp edges.

  • Bettas have a special organ, the labyrinth organ, allowing them to breathe air. They require constant access to air at the top of the tank.

  • Bettas will jump- it is best to have a tank with a lid

Click this link to view our WIKI

Quick synopsis of the wiki:

  • Contains info on basic betta care, diseases, potential tank mates, tail types/coloring, differences between males/females, ordering bettas, moving with bettas, setting up sororities and MORE!

  • This most likely has the answers to your questions. Feel free to ask questions if you are confused or aren't sure about something.


This is the place to ask anything and everything about bettas. Be sure to include your water parameters(ammonia/nitrite/nitrate,) tank size, how long the specific issue has been occurring, and some pictures if there is something which requires a diagnosis (e.g. fin rot/melt, velvet, dropsy.)

How do I upload pictures?

Go to and select "New Post". Add all the clear pictures you have so we can better determine what is going on with your fish. It is recommended you set the album to private if you don't want weird comments. Click upload. From there, click the share button- if you are on mobile, hit "copy to clipboard" and paste the link into your comment on here. If on desktop, copy the link and paste it here.

For those new to technology- ctrl + c is copy, ctrl + v is paste.

To have your link like this, put these [ ] brackets around the text you want to show, with no space before the first word or after the last word, and without adding a space after the second bracket, use parentheses ( ) for the link, with no spaces between the parentheses or the link itself.

Be sure to read our rules before posting or commenting.

If your question was not answered yesterday, please feel free to post again!

Ask away!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Mamba Attack

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

Q&A im back for my monthly photo share haha i rarely ever get time to come on reddit but thought id make a post answering some of your questions that youd like to ask about wild type bettas in general since many of you seem to enjoy seeing them. Ask me anything and ill reply when i get a chance!

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

Flaring at a Pond Snail

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:08 AM PST

Waldo, Painting for my mother’s betta boi.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:52 AM PST

I added shrimp to his tank. He's trying his best.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:38 AM PST


Posted: 09 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

This girls jazz hands kill me!

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:31 AM PST

I’m new to reddit but this is Yersinia!

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:31 AM PST

He’s such a power flexer! Apex is ruler of his kingdom and doesn’t like anyone or anything. A pretty asshole.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:21 AM PST

2 week transformation

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST

his name is donnie darko, he seems to be a picky eater and spits out the dried bloodworm so im not sure what to try

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:28 AM PST

My new betta, Legolas!

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:18 PM PST

My new Glo Betta, Nugget! As a science major with a passion for genetics, I find Glofish absolutely fascinating.

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:19 PM PST

Gilbert Fontaine De la Tour D'Haute Rive has been freed from cup jail for 24 hours now but he’s too busy exploring to hold still for a good picture!

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:27 PM PST

He hates my pen

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:46 AM PST

This is Alan, ALAAAN! ALAAAN!! ALAAN!!!

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:56 AM PST

Gia video 2, see my previous 2 posts

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

Converting to plants- 3 weeks in. Anubias nana (new leaf spotted) hornwort, marimo, java moss, more ideas coming. 20G/H/F/ 5 platy 1 sulking betta.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:08 AM PST

Pet store betta

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:02 PM PST

so excited for this to finish cycling��✊�� what kind of betta should i get? i already have a blue dragonscale male, a galaxy koi male, and veiltail female

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:06 AM PST

i just got 3 new ghost shrimp to my tank, and this little PIG of a fish keeps trying to nibble on their veggie round, then decides he doesn’t like it (duh), spits it out, and repeats this process over and over. he’s so convinced that maybe NEXT time he won’t hate it.

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:57 PM PST

Hi people this is stark!

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:21 PM PST

Uh oh..

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:07 PM PST

Tempura'a colors have really popped in the month I've had him!

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:41 PM PST

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