Aquatic Snails Yup! He's the same snail that this community appreciated and adored. He has lost his winter coat of algae. Today, I found him perfectly falling on the driftwood like this from the glass. He's living an edgy life tho. Lol.

Yup! He's the same snail that this community appreciated and adored. He has lost his winter coat of algae. Today, I found him perfectly falling on the driftwood like this from the glass. He's living an edgy life tho. Lol.

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:53 AM PST

Help ID

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:25 PM PST

How do I know if my snails are getting enough to eat?

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:39 AM PST

I've got 3 snails, all nerites. 2 are very small, smaller than a dime. The other is medium sized. At first I over fed them, but I've just done a water change and added a little cucumber slice and 1 algae wafer. The tank is newish and not near a window so there's no natural algae. Will they find the food I've given them on their own?

submitted by /u/scupdoodleydoo
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Why is my snail dancing?

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:48 PM PST

I'm worried hes being attacked. This is my favorite of the pond snails that came in substrate from a local pond (along with a bunch of copepods, daphnia, etc). Is this just a cute assjiggle or is she in danger? twerking snail

submitted by /u/Nonsense89
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Any idea what these dudes are? Shipped to me as Malaysian Trumpet Snails but not really looking like it �� Maybe their shells are just dirty or something?

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:15 PM PST

Just got my first nerite snail and didn’t notice the tip of his spiral was missing until I got him home. What should I do?

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:01 PM PST

Will lending out my snail bring back algae to my tank?

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:40 PM PST

I've had a single nerite snail in a nano marimo tank for about 2 months now. My roommate has a planted goldfish tank with 2 el nino ferns and 2 amazon swords. Recently I've observed them over feeding the 2 goldies, and leaving the light on over night, (I turn it off and they turn it back on-weird I know) the tank is cloudy and there's a bloom in slime and what I believe is brown algae.

I'm not an experienced aquarist, but the many hours of watching aquarium co-op, king of DIY and MD Tanks tells me that they could knock back the feeding, put the light on a timer, scrub the sides, do a water change and rinse the filter in old tank water.

Roommate has no desire to scrub, and I even offered do to the cleaning myself, what they want is...for me to lend them my snail even though they cost like 2.99 at the pet store. I'm half tempted because its something different for my snail to munch on, but it still my snail and my questions are:

  1. Will goldfish eat my snail?
  2. Do I risk introducing the algae and slime into my tank if I lend my snail?
  3. Would I have to quarantined my snail after the lend?

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Glassfern
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Mysteries eating plants

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:53 PM PST

My mysteries are eating my newly planted water sprite. Anything I can do to deter them?

submitted by /u/aceraider8
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It's just Gary

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

Please help ID this Snail Species. It was found in a Forest Pond within the UK

Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:54 AM PST

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