Aquariums - February PotM (Picture of the Month) Contest!

February PotM (Picture of the Month) Contest!

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:08 AM PST

Hello everyone!

To start off 2020 for the POTM series we're going to stick with a General Aquarium Picture Of The Month contest. This one is pretty straight forward, we are looking for aquariums, ponds, containers, that contain aquatic life that you think are worthy to be up on the sidebar. The following rules apply to submissions:

  • Can be aquariums, ponds, tubs, other plastic containers.

  • Must be an actual aquarium/container and not a drawing, render, or online creation.

  • You must be the owner of said picture.

  • Must not break any current sub rules

With all the other rules being the known ones:

  • Submissions will only be accepted via modmail. We get a lot of mail so please make the subject "POTM FEBRUARY" (all caps). If this isn't the subject we may miss your submission.

  • Submissions must be hosted on imgur

  • Only one submission per user

  • No watermarks or advertising of any kind

The submission period will end at 23:59 EST on 2/23. At the conclusion, a voting post will be made and voting will occur for 1 week. At the conclusion of the voting period, the votes will be counted, the winner determined and notified, and prizes distributed.


-Your picture will be the new sidebar picture of the sub for a month

-You will be awarded a special trophy flair. Due to flair constraints, for now this will replace your current flair, though you will have the option of switching back to your current flair if you choose, you will always have the option to display your 'PotM trophy'

Good luck to everyone! The mod team looks forward to your submissions!

submitted by /u/Ka0tiK
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Apistogramma Cacatuoides guarding her fry

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:18 PM PST

Finally was able to get a good picture of my Apisto

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:03 AM PST

I really love these Pearl Gouramis.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

Not bad for a $35 discus

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:35 PM PST

My beautiful Opaline Gourami Pazuzu.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:42 AM PST

My electric blue acara. :)

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:07 PM PST

Turbo has somewhere to be, grab the speedometer.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:38 AM PST

Baby sharks

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:54 PM PST

Been a while since I posted... wait for updates in weeks to come

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:30 AM PST

Look at my plants!

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:31 AM PST

Changed pump from an inside one to an hang on-Dennerle scapers flow. I simply can not capture the crispyness of the clear whater with the phones camera. Also anubis was trimmed and waiting for it to grow back straight up. What do you think guys?

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:13 AM PST

Any idea what this stuff is?

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:48 AM PST

A Kitty Tetra fry quickly accepted into a school of Strawberry Rasboras

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:17 PM PST

Chicago, my convict cichlid, chilling with his/her new friends

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:35 AM PST

First aquarium!

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:03 AM PST

Praise the filter god

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:55 PM PST

My first freshwater aquarium please comment what you think of it

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:28 PM PST

Sometimes there are ghosts in the shell. Other times there are Bichirs in the shell.

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:23 PM PST

My latest addition, maybe not my best but certainly my favourite.

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

My lil guy. Hes so beautiful!

Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:14 PM PST

A super great acquaintance asked me if I would be interested in adopting her betta, tank, and all supplies- who wouldn’t!? I can’t wait to go get my new little buddy on Thursday!

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:12 AM PST

Hitchhiker ID request please. Would very much like to know if this needs more of him.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

Feeding my new school of clowns!

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:05 AM PST

Plant Id for the closest one please!

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:20 AM PST

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