Reef Tank - Aquariums - 90 gallon display, 30 gallon sump and automatic water change/dosing system.

90 gallon display, 30 gallon sump and automatic water change/dosing system.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:02 PM PST

Top downs are the best way to view a reef tank, don’t you think?

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

Just take the absolute beauty of nature in for a second. Look at this amazing creature. Utterly stunning.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:54 PM PST

Overhead shot of the reef was kinda inspired by someone else’s post.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:37 PM PST

got this guy the other day

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:26 AM PST

This pom pom crab stole a little bit of anemone

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:27 PM PST

My small slice of the ocean in the Midwest. Not fancy but I love it

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:12 PM PST

A rare daytime sighting - totally forget about this guy most days

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:18 PM PST

Parts for Red Sea 170 starting coming in today.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:38 PM PST

So, this is it now. My first saltwater pico tank!

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:48 AM PST

A very bubbly mood

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:16 PM PST

Blue hammer newest addition

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:38 PM PST

Yellowtail Damsel and Pink Goniopora

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:20 PM PST

New scape Much needed change check my old posts for the old scape

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:49 PM PST

Slow motion goni

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:22 PM PST

I'd please.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:41 PM PST

I made a couple lighting and filtration modifications on my Evo 13.5

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:45 PM PST

One of my 3 Bartlett’s Anthias

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST

Id please, small encrustimg polyps that glow a deep crimson red.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:17 PM PST

Finally achieved stability and inhabitants are thriving in the low tech reef

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

Luxuriant (green) hair growth

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:16 PM PST

Are my emerald crabs mating? If they are, how should I care for the offspring?

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:13 PM PST

5 weeks in, everything seems to be going well

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:59 PM PST

Some black ice clowns.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:22 PM PST

To each their own I guess.

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

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