Goldfish - Aquariums - My goldies...all 3 in unison

My goldies...all 3 in unison

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:11 PM PST

Seaweed is so messy but they love it!

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

Just get two goldfish... you won’t get hooked and go out and buy a whole new set up for them so they can have a ton more space and more friends.

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST

First one

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

Not the clearest photo but it's what I could get.

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:57 PM PST

Great news!!

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:41 PM PST

So, my black moor did have an anchor worm but we were able to remove it! Tomorrow we will get the tank treated as soon as we can, I am pretty relieved that it was the only one on the fish

submitted by /u/Slideways266
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Help! Landlord’s goldfish died while he’s away

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:36 PM PST

Hi all, apologies in advance - I don't know anything about goldfish. I live with my landlord who has been away on holiday for a week and won't be back for another week. Unfortunately he is not contactable as he has a phone that doesn't roam overseas and doesn't have internet. He left me instructions for things like watering the plants but oddly nothing on feeding his 6 goldfish. I just spend the last 4 days away myself, and before I left I did a quick google search that said they can survive for a couple of weeks without food so I fed them before I left and hoped for the best. Today I've come home and found 5 healthy looking goldfish and one... half eaten goldfish carcass. I know I should get rid of it but I can't reach the top of the tank to open it and scoop it out, even when standing on a chair. My question is - will the carcass in there affect the health of the other fish and will I soon have 6 fish carcasses in there? Is it time for me to phone a tall friend?

The tank is about 4 feet long, 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall, has some kind of underwater plants in it and a bubbling contraption inside which I presume is a filter.

Again sorry that I don't know anything about goldfish but I'm just not sure what to do

submitted by /u/shar_on
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Ill informed from fish shop

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:31 PM PST

Hi Guys,

I have recently purchased (last week) 2 black moor fish around 3-4 inches in size.

The shop gave us 3 days to prepare our tanks water before selling.

Unfortunately the owner of the fish shop has claimed we would be fine with a 29 litre tank (7 gallons).

I have now been reading across this subreddit that a Black Moor should have a minimum of 30 gallon?!

I don't think the fish are happy in the tank.

I feel pretty awful and also frustrated that the shop owner has allowed us to leave the shop without informing us.

Does anyone have any advice?

I'm assuming the best option would be to either take the fish back or get a bigger tank but I don't think I have the space for one this size.

submitted by /u/orton95
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Oranda has tail deformity?

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:40 PM PST

Okay so my sweet oranda seems to have been born without part of her tail. She was three pieces instead of four. She swims a little bit lopsided and it seems to be caused by missing a portion of her tail. Her tail doesn't show any signs of injury, it looks like she was just made that way. I think she'll be okay but wanted a second opinion! I couldn't catch a picture of it.


Tried to get some pictures, hope that helps!

submitted by /u/trash_bin_84
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fancy goldfish talk

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

so this is a first post but i am used to making posts like this just from being a nerd haha

so i have a fancy goldfish and its name is fluffy. I've had him now for over a year. he is about an inch body size not including his little tail. i believe he is a lion head ranchu? not 100% sure haha

anyways, i have him in a 20 gal tank with sand for substrate and two decorative rocks that he wont ever hid inside and two morimo balls. i also have 2 6" stone bubblers and a hangover filter.

just last week i got two new fish and ended up bringing them back because they kept biting him. because of the scales being ripped off the top of his back i am currently treating he for fungus and ick.

I've just been having the worst of luck when it comes to trying to find him a friend and NOT getting something or the other...

I've also been wanting to redecorate his tank but i'm not sure what to do or use...

i really keep up on water changes and checking the water quality and such and i probably watch him just swim 2 hrs a day haha i get so sucked into it...

anyways... i don't know what else to type but just give me advise or ideas or even criticize my tank. i'm all ears... but in this case all eyes? haha :)

submitted by /u/Saragoodlin24
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Tank mates

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:14 AM PST

Looking for some fish that would go well together with 2 orandas.

Tank size: 60L 45H 30D

Currently building it up so that they have more hiding space so just researching different possibilities at the moment

What does everyone else have

submitted by /u/Blllake000
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