Aquatic Snails Every time they eat this is all I hear.

Every time they eat this is all I hear.

Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:25 AM PDT

They do this after they eat. It freaks me out a little.

Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:42 AM PDT

possible mite infestation on mysteries.

Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

So Ive been battling with a mysterious illness with my mystery snails and I think ive witnessed the cause yesterday. One of my larger snails started to show symptoms of the issue and I pulled him out to visually inspect him. I noticed things running around on his trap door, I couldnt make them out but there was definitely movement of something small like a mite of some sort, ie rapid directional changes of a small pinhead sized creature, only could see it due to it disturbing the water layer on the snail but couldnt make out a full shape due to it being possibly transparent. I want to get a anti parasitic treatment from the store, but everything I check typically isnt great for invertibrates, planted tanks, filters, or a combination of the 3. I can treat the snail in quarantine but its likely the parasite has infested the tank as well so I do need to treat that too. Any treatment suggestions that wont crash my cycle or kill anything in the process?

edit: cause i know people are gonna ask for water params, i ran a test. 6.8 ph, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, <5ppm nitrates temp 75 F.

submitted by /u/Chompachompa
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Something about giant pond snails is a lot more endearing than their tiny kin

Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:06 PM PDT

I used to let my snails eat algae that grows on the glass, but now that all the algae have been eaten i bought them algae sinking pellets. One of my snails is eating them, but the other one ignores the food and keep trying to find food on the glass. What should i do?

Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

Bladder Snails invaded my mystery snail tank

Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:58 AM PDT

So I want to get rid of the bladder snails that smuggled their way into my mystery snail tank (75gal) on a plant from petco... This tank has all sizes of mysterys, and I don't want to hurt them. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/thgirtruoc
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My tank has been over run

Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:24 PM PDT

So I bought a mystery snail from a local store and when I got home there was a baby hitchhiker. I thought it was another mystery snail but I guess not cause it grew and didn't look like a mystery. It has since reproduced like a mother fucker and now I have too many of these little guys and I have no idea what to do!! Everyday I wake up and there is more. Please help!!!!!

submitted by /u/producktthetect
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