Goldfish - Aquariums - I love this guy’s shape. Born in April - and keeps getting prettier.

I love this guy’s shape. Born in April - and keeps getting prettier.

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 01:58 PM PDT

This is my new little friend Pearl. She’s a panda moor and very friendly

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 11:12 AM PDT

The water is finally clear after being cloudy for a month. They don’t appear in this video, but I have a shockingly big fry school. Time for a bigger pond. ��

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 07:37 AM PDT

My new red capped oranda, candycorn, in his QT tank. (Forgive the potato picture, he was afraid when I got close)

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 04:39 PM PDT

How can I get my goldfish to grow bigger? I've seen a small increase in their sizes since I got them, especially the fin lengths, but they have stayed relatively small body wise.

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 09:47 PM PDT

Goldfish beginner

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 06:06 PM PDT

Long story short I'm planning on adopting my dads goldfish because the poor thing is in way too small of a tank and my dad insists it doesn't need anymore room. He was in a large outdoor pond/fountain not too long ago so I'm sure he's extra stressed with the sudden downsize. I have very little experience with fish, where do I begin besides transferring him to a larger tank? There were three other fish in the pond that didn't make it so I'm wondering if he'll thrive better with a friend.

He's been through a lot already and with the other fish dying I know I'm doing the most wanting to save this one singular fish but he looks healthy and if I'm not too late I want to try and prolong his life. Any tips on a water changing schedule, temperature, what types of rocks/product recommendations in general are all appreciated.

submitted by /u/super_potato94
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Bought a House: Goldfish & Coy don’t know what food is

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 05:25 PM PDT

Title says it. We bought a house and the former owner said the fish live off the algae. We've been feeding them regularly for 6 weeks now and they just don't care at all. Don't even try to eat it. And they're all tiny, I assume because of their restrictive diet.

Is there some trick to getting them to eat?

submitted by /u/Taste_the__Rainbow
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Air pump size question

Posted: 14 Aug 2019 09:11 AM PDT

I just moved my Oranda goldfish from a 15g to a 36g tank. In his old tank, i had a medium sized bubbler decor piece hooked up to an air pumped rated for 10g. My question is, will this air pump function the same way in this larger tank? It will only be used for the decor piece, not for any filtration. I'm just not sure if the weight of the water will require me to get a larger pump.

submitted by /u/2Much4M3
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