Crayfish An Escape Artist.

An Escape Artist.

Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:44 PM PDT

Molted in 3 pieces and lost a claw

Posted: 29 Jul 2019 02:40 PM PDT

My blue cray is about 7 months old and molted over the weekend. This is the first time I have seen him molt in 3 pieces instead of one big shell piece remaining - his tail, head, and then one claw are separate in the tank. He is still hiding but I noticed that he only has one claw now. Not gonna lie, I was devastated, and cried over it, especially because it looked like he struggled. I know it's not the end of the world and he will go on living. But I am curious - was the other claw just ripped off his body, and the claw he has left did not change at all? Because the one shell of a claw I see accounts for the missing claw, but there is no other claw shell to show that his current remaining claw is a new claw. What exactly went wrong here / what happened during this molt? Sorry if this is confusing, I am happy to clarify if needed. Thanks for any help you all can provide! I will also post pics once he decides to come out of hiding, don't want to stress him out too much at the moment.

Edited to add more info:

The tank is a 20 gallon long with a Topfin 20gallon internal filter that has a spray bar above the water for aeration. Only other inhabitants are 7 nerite snails.

submitted by /u/TheWithdrawn
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This is after her last molt she was caught wild in a creek in ky.. I can't believe how she has changed to be so beautiful. I have a question about molting. She has molted 2 times in 2 weeks is that normal or should I be worried that something is wrong cause I don't want to lose her i love her.

Posted: 29 Jul 2019 11:22 PM PDT

Planning on starting an aquarium including a couple crawfish. I have questions.

Posted: 29 Jul 2019 06:58 PM PDT

  1. Say I have 2 crawfish, what size aquarium do I need, minimum?

  2. What kind of fish, if any, do well with crawfish?

  3. If I catch them in the wild, do I need to "clean them out"? (Put then in clean fresh water to get any creek gunk out/off of them)

  4. With bottom feeders like these, and with regular cleaning, will I need a filter besides a bubbler?

submitted by /u/Bionic_Hawk25
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