Goldfish - Aquariums - Advice on algae growth on plants

Advice on algae growth on plants

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 08:19 PM PDT

Hey all! Just wondering if anyones found a good way of keeping algae from growing on plant leaves. When I do water changes I rub algae off of all my plants with my fingers, but it's kind of a pain to do it for all the plants. I've used API Algaefix in the past but would prefer to not add chemicals to the water.

submitted by /u/dylishness
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PSA: Always ask before gifting a fish! Well meaning family members gifted me a blackmoor that damaged Malcolm's eye when he's just recovered from dropsy. Advice needed

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:31 AM PDT

Scales in the tank

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 07:07 PM PDT

Is it abnormal to find an occasional scale when cleaning the tank? I have two pretty large goldfish, and in all other respects, appear healthy.

submitted by /u/urshook1
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Is this an ulcer on my ranchu? Appeared over night and I’m very worried.

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:50 AM PDT

Lunch Break

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:34 AM PDT

I have a 2.5 gallon tank for my gold fish - it ALWAYS gets dirty and no matter how much I clean the water or change it, it’s dirty in a few days. I feel awful for my gold fish, the water evaporates so quickly.

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 03:30 PM PDT

I have a tank filter that's for 5 gallons so I know it's bigger than it needs to be :( but I also have no lid. Is this contributing to the cloudy water? How can I prevent this from happening when I treat the water and clean it often.

submitted by /u/crystalizedwolf
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Aquarium salt as a treatment

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 01:50 PM PDT

Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can quickly clear this up for me, I have an unwell goldfish & I'm considering using aquarium salts to help but I've never really used salt & I'm unsure how much to add.

Everything I've seen online says 1 tablespoon per 19ltrs, it's a 240ltr tank so that would be 12 tablespoons. What I'm unsure about is how to add it & whether it's safe to add that amount of salt in one go when the fish aren't used to it.

Also one article I've read says only add as much salt as water you're changing, so for example if I'm only changing 19ltrs I'd only add 1 tablespoon. I presume this means when you're already running an aquarium with the maximum amount of salt & not when you're adding it for the first time? Otherwise you could never build up to the 12 tablespoons? If that makes sense?

I'd like to do this as soon as I can so I'd be grateful for any advice to clear this up

submitted by /u/Mr_Deps
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Shubunkin bullying other fish

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 04:21 AM PDT

We have a 120L tank with two fish: a shubunkin (Rick) and what I was told was an oranda but I think it just a goldfish (Morty). Recently Rick has started to constantly harass Morty, chasing him around and biting at his fins. I try to separate them with a net when I see it, but this morning Rick was at it so much that neither of them ate their food. Normally they swim up to the surface as soon as I open the press under the tank where their food is kept, but they didn't eat anything, Morty just kept trying to get away from Rick. We've had Rick approx. 1.6 years and Morty for 1 year.

I'm going to see if I can find a floating net enclosure, I've read that it can be a good idea to separate the "bully" until they learn, but does anyone have any advice? I'm worried the Shubunkin will seriously hurt the other fish, he is a bit bigger than him. Is it that the tank is too small? I thought it was an ok size for two fish, we have no plans to get any more.

submitted by /u/SandarTD
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