Crayfish New to Crayfish... Why is he standing under the filter output?

New to Crayfish... Why is he standing under the filter output?

Posted: 22 May 2019 04:15 PM PDT

Hello! My daughter brought home a cray from a school science unit and I have been flying blind trying to care for it. I really like him. I don't exactly know what I am doing yet, and I'm doing the best I can. He successfully molted about a week and a half ago, and two days ago I upgraded him to a 10 gal tank. I purchased a turtle filter and I have kept the water level low, and provided protruding rocks for him to exit the water. The filter is keeping the water clear, and I was told that the surface disturbance it would create would adequately oxygenate the water, but lately he is standing DIRECTLY under the filter "waterfall" output. It seems strange. He just hangs out there. He has hiding spots so I don't think that's his interest. Any insight into why he would do this? Just want to make sure he is ok and that I am doing everything right. It makes me a little concerned about oxygen levels, since I don't have an air pump.


submitted by /u/ktlortz13
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Crayfish health/tank issues?

Posted: 22 May 2019 01:45 PM PDT

My son got a red Clarkii from his teacher at school. In the classroom, they were keeping it mostly out of the water in a tub with a small bathtub-type situation. When we got it home, however, we set up a 10 gallon tank, half-filled, with a filter as per instructions found here and elsewhere online and that guy never seemed to want to come out of the water. S/He was super active the first week.

Over the first week, the water was turning amber colored. We thought it was due to a small log that we purchased and put inside and the testing was coming back fine until yesterday. Yesterday, we got a nitrite spike and changed out about 80% of the water and since he's been back in the tank he's been very quiet. He did eat a big algae pellet this morning but he's pretty quiet and sticking to one small area. He seems stressed!

I just added some API quickstart which was recommended by the pet store near me but I'm concerned.

I guess my question is: If we continue to get these spikes (because I didn't pre-cycle the tank), is there an argument for going back to the classroom style habitat (tub with a couple inches of water to take a bath) until the tank cycles? OR is that more stressful than keeping it in a cycling tank?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/crayLK
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