Micro Aquatics Dwayne Johnson 4.1g UNS Featuring Rotala Sp. Manipora / Sp. Indica . Thank you Aquaria! (Bellevue, Wa)

Dwayne Johnson 4.1g UNS Featuring Rotala Sp. Manipora / Sp. Indica . Thank you Aquaria! (Bellevue, Wa)

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 02:58 PM PST

My 2gallon tank with Malaysian trumpet snails.

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:42 AM PST

What do you stock in your tank?

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 05:01 PM PST

I am considering buying a Fluval Spec III (2.6 gallon) for my desk. I like to have a "main attraction" so ideally only one critter will be in there.

2.5 gallons is I think the bare minimum for a betta, so that could work. What about snails? Would an apple snail be suitable or would it grow too big? I would consider multiple, smaller snails too.

submitted by /u/Tyephlosion
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