Jarrariums - For those who has jarrariums. Do you have filter in it?

For those who has jarrariums. Do you have filter in it?

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:44 AM PST

What carpeting plants would be best for a gravel cap?

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 05:24 PM PST

Adding variety to a self sustaining jararrium

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 07:43 PM PST

A few weeks ago, I took some elodea from an existing aquarium and heavily planted many of it in a 1.5 liter water bottle with light gravel. A few days later, bladder snails hatched and with both of them together, they have made an unexpected self sustaining jararrium with little input from me. (I only replenish evaporated water and give it sunlight from the window.)

I wanted to add a little variety to it by adding shrimp to it. I want to get input from you all on how to introduce shrimp to the habitat as I have heard they are very sensitive to water parameters. Any suggestions on type of shrimp would be welcome too

submitted by /u/MVINZ
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Betta bulb one month growth.

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:12 PM PST

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