Aquatic Snails One of the new snails after only five days in the tank. You can see the new shell growth!

One of the new snails after only five days in the tank. You can see the new shell growth!

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 01:31 PM PST

A zucchini breakfast featuring a malfunctioning pleco

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:02 AM PST

Hi guys! Any ideas for what type of snail this is?

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 07:08 AM PST

nerite snail seems shy?

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 05:44 PM PST

so I just added a zebra nerite to my community tank yesterday morning and he seems very shy. He stays on the back right corner by the filter and doesn't really go anywhere else. My mystery snail is all over the tank and never really stops moving while the nerite seems to be not moving much at all (though every time I look for him he's in a different hiding spot) is this normal for them? Is he just getting used to the tank? I have horned nerites in a different tank and definitely aren't as active as my mystery but still more active than the zebra

submitted by /u/jtjftbq
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Why are some of my snails nocturnal and some enjoy moving around during the day?

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 01:33 PM PST

Half of my snails ONLY move and hang around during the dark hours of night, meanwhile the other half ONLY move and eat during the day. I thought snails were nocturnal in general?

submitted by /u/WhiteBoyFlipz
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