Aquatic Koi Koi hybrids? Possible Koimets from Petco & PetSmart

Koi hybrids? Possible Koimets from Petco & PetSmart

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:29 PM PST

Hi hello! So I've had koi and comets before and recently just adopted some "feeder comet" fry from PetSmart and Petco.

Photos are up now!

Their names are Aurora (Slightly less marked than Nocturna), Nocturna (Orange with more black edgings than Aurora), Saki (tancho comet), Europa (white with an orange mustache), and Jupiter (black on top all the way to tail with a muddy orange on bottom), sorry I dont have any pics currently but will take some in a bit to post. When I first got Aurora and Nocturna I kind of had a nagging suspicion that they weren't actually comets, or at least full blooded comets, mainly because of their fins, tails. Their body seemed to be far more slim/narrower than any comets that I had seen. I then noticed two small nubs just above their mouths.

Later on I adopted Saki, Europa, & Jupiter. Saki I'm 100% sure is a regular comet, Europa I'm feeling indefinite about, she/he definitely has an oddly shaped head/face and a slight hump and is a bit bigger than the rest even though they're all the same age, Jupiter on the other hand? I've never seen a comet that looked like this, I did see some other questionables in the tank but the rest looked just like normal comets. I've just never seen this coloration/marking before in them.

They're all kept in an indoor container pond (homegrown and propagated devil's ivy) with no heater (85% water changes daily), and are actively swimming about, average room temp is about 70°F-75°F. Even though it is planted they have shown no interest towards the ivy, lettuce on the other hand? Gobbled up in a few minutes. The comets that I had before would literally tear up the ivy, the koi seemed to prefer marimo moss balls.

I'll see if I can get some photos later, I should have a pot or two laying around. Has anyone had any experience with koi hybrids before? What are things that I should look for otherwise?

submitted by /u/mysticangelyn
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