Jarrariums - What is this little guy in my UK pond terrarium? Doesn’t seem to be an amphipod like the others, only ever walks around the bottom. Also the only one in there.

What is this little guy in my UK pond terrarium? Doesn’t seem to be an amphipod like the others, only ever walks around the bottom. Also the only one in there.

Posted: 13 Jun 2022 05:37 AM PDT

Can a Marimo Mossball alone sustain a jar? Tested here with freshwater (1 mo) as well as brackish water (4 mo). They are on s window sill in indirect sunlight only. The mossball in the brackish jar has almost doubled in size. Ostracods in both jars, snails and the weird critters in the fresh water

Posted: 12 Jun 2022 08:10 PM PDT

I still don't know for sure what these are, aquatic mites or spiders? Or something else entirely?

Posted: 12 Jun 2022 09:08 PM PDT

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