Micro Aquatics My first nano set up :) more info will be in the comments!

My first nano set up :) more info will be in the comments!

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:30 AM PST

My 1g Neo Glass Air iwagumi, wabi kusa pond type thing.

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

Starting out with a Low-Tech Planted 4 Gallon - Looking for Advice/Guidance

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:38 PM PST

Starting out with a Low-Tech Planted 4 Gallon - Looking for Advice/Guidance

I've always enjoyed aquariums, and being stuck working from home, I wanted to experiment with a low-tech planted aquarium in my home office.

I am diving in with the 4.14G Lifegard Aquatics Crystal Aquarium, plus an Aqueon Planted Aquarium light. I'm using the tank's included pump, with additional foam filtration, biological filtration (pre-cycled from the turtle tank), and medium-loft polyester batting. I am not using the included bio-balls or carbon balls. No heater yet, but will have one by the end of the week. I will also add a timer for the light by the end of the week as well.

Tank Contents:

  • Fluval Spectrum Substrate
  • Aquaglobe Pacific Drift Wood (M)
  • Polished River Stone
  • Anubia Nana Petite
  • Baby Dwarf Tears (I gather that I should have started with an easier carpet plant... whoops!)
  • Two unidentified floating plants from a local pond in RI (rinsed/cleaned prior to addition, possibly narrow-leafed ludwigia and some type of milfoil)
  • (3) Rosey Red Minnows
  • (2) Pond Snails


I have been adding a few drops of Fluval Gro+ fertilizer each week and haven't formalized my water change cycle. Now that the basic layout is set, I expect to change about 40% water each week.

I have been using the API Master Freshwater Test Kit to track my water parameters. I've found my pH is remaining ~6 (thus far), and my GH 6 (drops), KH 3 (drops). Ammonia and Nitrite/Nitrate values are still zero as I wait for the cycle to kick in.

Any feedback, thoughts, concerns with the setup are greatly appreciated! I'm considering stocking the tank eventually with guppies or a showcase fish. Not sure yet.

I'm just getting my feet wet, so please keep that in mind.

Status of the Tank as of Today 11/18

Filter Media: Pre-cycled bio media on the left and polyester batting on the right, contained within home-made media \"boxes\" made of yarn mesh and tiny zip-ties.

Filter Setup: Water flows through a big sponge, then polyester batting, finally the bio-rings before being returned to the tank via the pump.

submitted by /u/RunicTurtle
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my bettas producers and the result

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:40 AM PST

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