Goldfish - Aquariums - I tried to paint bumblebee ��

I tried to paint bumblebee ��

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:54 PM PDT

What’s causing sudden milky water?

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

Today I accidentally killed my goldfish

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:19 PM PDT

I've had my two common gold fish for 13 years in a 75 gallon tank. I have some plants in the tank as well and have a co2 set up. The co2 is the super simple one from pets mart and I've had it for a couple of years. As I was about to go to bed I looked at my tank and my largest goldfish is dead and my second one is on its way out. I look at my co2 and the canister is empty. I'm pretty sure something went wrong with the valve or something.
Usually the canister last me two months or so, I only turn them one for about an hour a day. but I've had this one for less than week and it's empty. Me and Mr.Fishy had a good run. Rip Mr. Fishy and King fishy

submitted by /u/Actual-Shadow-Queen
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So far so good sponges only!

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:39 PM PDT

First tank 90gallon bow front two moors and a unidentified twin tail fancy gold fish

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:17 PM PDT

Brown algae/diatoms persistent issue

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:41 AM PDT

Hi all. I'm an experienced gold fish keeper and my tank is very established. I bought some rocks months ago and the store assured me they were inert and weren't silica based etc. Well they clearly were since I had a sudden diatom outbreak and it's been there ever since, maybe 4 months or more. I've cleaned everything thoroughly in tank water during water changes on a bi weekly basis. My water parameters are all good. But if I let any light into the tank, it comes straight back, just at a slower rate than when it first started. I'm over it and it's turned weekly water changes into an hour long saga of scrubbing things. It has to go. What actually works? Carbon? I have 2 in tank eheim filters with sponge as the media. Nothing else changed in the tank and it was established for well over a year. Absolutely nothing changed except putting the rock in which was in for 3 days and then removed when I saw diatoms in the tank and on the rock.

submitted by /u/goodgoldiegoldfish
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how much is too much ��

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:30 PM PDT

how many goldfish could actually live in a 50 gal comfortably i wanted to add some fancies but i already have 3 commons and one fancy. i wanna add a few more but don't wanna crowd them.

submitted by /u/terminatedfetusjuice
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is this bullying??

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:20 PM PDT

New filter looks black! Help!

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:45 PM PDT

Hello...I've got a single goldfish in a twenty gallon looks like we might have some brown algae. I scrape it off the walls and the water looks a little brown when changing. The tank water. We change the water once a week. Could anything else be causing the filter to look so gross after a couple of weeks? Thank you for taking the time to reply!

submitted by /u/cystedwrist
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Trouble feeding my fish since adding duckweed.. Suggestions?

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:20 PM PDT

Tl:dr version first. I have gravel so hikari small sinking pellets are out. Just added duckweed, my goldfish don't like it, AND they seem to not want to eat the floating pellets mixed in with the duckweed. Is there a good high quality slow sinking pellet that won't get lost in the big gravel I have so as to not foul up my tank?

Full details below

I've got a 40gallon long aqeon glass tank, 2 canister Eheim filters, a dual airstone, led lights, planted with some swords, it's got a nice large piece of malaysian driftwood, and natural gravel. (Bought driveway gravel from home depot, boiled water to rinse it, and rinsed it 6 times per batch until i had an inch thick on the bottom. )

I won't get aquarium gravel anymore since I lost a goldfish that inhaled a piece and it got lodged.. but my plants are rooted so I can't do pure glass bottom.

Anyways, occasionally especially in summer i get nitrate spikes. I live near farms, so it's likely waste runoff leeching into old pipes. Town reports always says within safe levels for humans, but trying to do a water change with water that has almost 5% nitrates already isn't ideal.

So, i got some duckweed because I've heard it's not only great and helping lower nitrates, but goldfish love to nibble it.

I use hikari pellets, not the super tiny micro stuff that sinks and comes in the purple bag. That stuff is WAY too small and just gets between the gravel, my fish can't get to it, and bam! Ammonia and nitrates because old food in the water. I use the stuff in the red bag. Round pellets, float.

I fed my fish as per normal, and not only did they have no interest in the duckweed, but they spit it out when trying to eat the pellets. It's been 10 minutes, and they just aren't even going after it anymore. I'm probably going to have to scoop and toss it.

Has anyone had the issue where their fish DON'T like duckweed? And any suggestions for a good high quality food like Hikari that is maybe a slow sinking? Something that won't get lost in the gravel and just completely wreck my cycles?

submitted by /u/Deminox
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Help with buying fancy goldfish

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:49 AM PDT

Please read - went to a store the other day, only one which sells fancy goldfish and was about to buy some. Guy there said they cant live outdoors and said they would die in winter, I messaged them and they then replied telling me certain measures such as protection from predators must be taken. What should I do differently when going this time? (Btw I already have some fancies and they are doing great)

submitted by /u/LtJake_1
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Tank makeover �� Have 2 Black Moors (hiding) and getting ready for 2 Thai Oranda's coming this week. Eventually I want to update to a 55g. I want big goldies!

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:50 AM PDT

Is this just a tear or the beginning of tail rot?

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:13 AM PDT

URGENT : GOLDFISH slime coat is getting removed since 1 day now. HELP PLEASE

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:36 AM PDT

Is it safe to change water every day?

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:38 AM PDT

Or just 25% to prevent toxins for my goldfish

submitted by /u/PeaceLoveEmpathyy
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HELP: How to Remove Old Paint from Aquarium Base Glass Pane (inside)

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT


So I bought a super used old 50g for $25 online. It seemed like a no brainer since in the photo, it simply looked like it was covered in dust with a bit of lime/calcium here and there. When I got the tank, it was objectively in great working condition: sturdy, holds water, perfect dimensions for me.

Unfortunately, the tank is way dirtier than I thought... and my biggest problem is a giant glob of dried, old paint glued to the bottom pane of the tank (inside). I have tried vinegar, vinegar/boiling water, Barkeeper's Friend, razors, thinner razors. I will keep scraping at it no matter what but I am coming to you to ask of you have further suggestions on how to maybe loosen the paint in order to chip it better.

As well, I lack the machinery to polish my aquarium glass nor can I move it to somewhere that can since I don't have those types of means. I have tried to remove lime/calcium stains from the outside of the glass with the following: vinegar, vinegar/boiling water, Barkeeper's Friend, razors, thinner razors, Lime/Calcium remover solution. Without the use of a glass polisher, how may I further remove lime stains from the glass?

Anything helps.

submitted by /u/happibabi
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Is rain/tank water safe for goldfish?

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:34 AM PDT

Feeling upset one of my goldfish is dying, shopkeepers said I don't need to touch rain water just change once aweek. I have read so many things on the internet and I am actually now confused. Please I want my other goldfish to live. Thank you in advance 🤗

submitted by /u/PeaceLoveEmpathyy
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My beloved 2 year old shubunkin, Sloppy Joe, and my elusive 5+ year old pleco, Cornelius, hiding in the submarine.

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

Are Japanese Dwarf hairgrass for black moors too sharp??

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:09 AM PDT

Just adopted two babies and wondering if the hair grass will be too sharp for them 🤔🤔

submitted by /u/nichefetisch
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