Goldfish - Aquariums - Pig and Co. First time getting all three in the same shot.

Pig and Co. First time getting all three in the same shot.

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT

Super ranchu ����

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:17 AM PDT

Thinking about a fish I failed a few years ago. I know better now, but I still feel so guilty. He was such a good little fish. I miss him and I'm so sorry I didn't do better. Just posting because I am on the verge of tears and could use some kind words from people who can understand.

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:30 PM PDT

Edit: just want to say thank you. Everyone's kind words really did help me. I know it is really pretty common to make serious mistakes when new to fish but sometimes it is best to just hear people share their experiences. Thanks again.

  • experiences not experiments *
submitted by /u/velvetsummernights
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Apollo and Juno enjoying some lettuce and strawberries

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:43 AM PDT

Goldfish has swallowed 2 pebbles

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

I noticed my small, probably around 4 inches long ,goldfish had 2 pebbles caught in his mouth and was not moving at all. I tried my best to remove them carefully with tweezers but while doing so they got dislodged from the mouth and she swallowed them. This was a horrifying experience to be frank as I was really trying my best to help my goldfish while it was obviously distressed but in the end she swallowed them which is the last thing I wanted.

She seems completely okay now, even though she must have two pebbles in her stomach. She does not seem to be distressed at all and is going about her usual habits eating algae of the plants.

My question is what is going to happen now? Will she throw it up? Will it pass? Is my fish going to die? Is there anything I can do at this point?

submitted by /u/GherboGherbo
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Poor Fair Fish Needs Help

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:12 PM PDT

Hey guys please take it easy on me as I've never taken care of fish. I came home to discover my sister trying to pawn off a goldfish she got at the fair off to me. At first I outright refused but now every time I visit the bathroom (his current resting place) the little guy acts so cool. His living situation is dismal....he is in a tiny little fish bowl!! No plants, no oxygen, no temps, chemical readings, etc. and I just feel bad and dont want him to suffer a stupid mistreatment because of the fair cashing in on the novelty. Can you guys give me suggestions on what kind of setup to give this fish? To be honest I dont have a whole lot of money so more affordable suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/TaterTaughttt
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Is there something wrong with my comet?

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:48 PM PDT

Is this ick? Don't want to treat unless I'm sure

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:07 PM PDT

Black Moor broke his cornea - Is there anything better than Melafix that I can treat him with? I've never had this type of injury.

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:47 PM PDT

Just noticed my goldfish had some little red marks on his scales, not sure if I should be concerned or not

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:33 PM PDT

Just want to remind everyone that melafix has been scientifically proven to do nothing. It is snake oil. Stop wasting your money.

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:53 PM PDT

Starting New

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:27 PM PDT

My four year old comet goldfish died just a few minutes ago due to mistreatement on my part, and I have a new oranda in the 29 gallon tank that's now lonely. I've decided to try doing things over again and starting a new page.

My tank is now much more clean than my old, 10 gallon (I know) tank, but I'm not sure what to do now. Little ol Shinobu seems fine, was a bit bloated but now happily swimming. My tank isn't decorated as much and I'm not sure what to do from here on out to help take care of Shinobu. What should I do?

Is it possible to get him another tankmate other than the 4 snails in the tank?

submitted by /u/official_spl3ndid
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They wriggle inside.

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:53 PM PDT

Added a Marineland CS220 cannister filter to my existing Tetra HoB filter today. Been having minor water parameter issues. Hoping this straightens them out. Anyone who says having a tank and doing it right is cheap is lying. But it’s fun.

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT

Anyone know what this is under her chin? Shes been swimming around very fast too. Have her in a 20gal but upgrading next week to a bigger tank dont know parameters but just done a 50% water change yesterday.

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT

My fish buddy is agitated and I can't see why

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:10 PM PDT

For the last week my fancy has been agitated. I would say he's darting but it almost looks more like panic. He's not going side to side either just close to the glass usually closest to me. Potentially flicking off the gravel but I can't tell if it's actual flicking or not. He rummages in the gravel more too.

I see no bumps, scrapes, blood streaks. His fins look fine. I've tested the water and no problems. He's white so it's hard to see any issues on the skin but it looks OK.

I did recently change from floating to sinking pellets though. He used to eat most on the top while the other fancy would eat the ones falling. So I thought maybe he's hungry so I made him some carrots. They weren't very interested beyond a few bites.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/CapitanAI
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Pet store doesn't have Hikari for goldfish. Other formulas work?

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT

They have sinking cichlid gold. Can I feed that? I mainly feed repashy morning and night. I scatter pellets for grazing.

submitted by /u/sabertoothdiego
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Power went out, how should I handle this?

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

So my power just went out (I'm on the east coast during this storm) and I don't really know what I should do. Should I slow/stop feeding for today until the power goes on? What about the oxygen levels? For reference I have 1 fancy goldfish in a 55 gallon tank and I just did a big water change yesterday. Any advice would be appreciated since I haven't experienced this since I've had the tank

submitted by /u/Robdd123
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Companions For Goldfish

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:53 AM PDT

I have one goldie in a 20 gallon tank, no issues thus far, nitrate/nitrite/pH levels at pretty much perfect levels, but from what I understand, I can't safely have two goldfish in that little space. I'm worried about her getting lonely though, are there other fish I can add to keep her company (platy, zebra danio, etc.)? Or should I wait until I can afford a bigger tank?

submitted by /u/Draphiaro
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